Redeemin example sentences

Related (6): redeeming, redemption, redeemable, redeemer, redeemed, redeems

"Redeemin" Example Sentences

1. After falling out with his colleagues, he knew that he needed to do some serious redeeming to regain their trust.
2. The store offered customers redeeming points for every purchase made.
3. He spent the entire day redeeming his coupons for free products.
4. Winning the championship was not only redeeming for the team, but also for the coach who had been under fire for weeks.
5. She felt like she was constantly making mistakes, but finally had a redeeming moment in the spotlight.
6. He realized that he needed to attend anger management classes in order to redeem himself and his reputation.
7. The employee was caught stealing, but eventually was able to redeem himself by returning the stolen items and apologizing.
8. The company launched a new advertising campaign aimed at redeeming their public image.
9. The political candidate struggled to find a redeeming quality that would appeal to voters.
10. The athlete had a rocky start to the season but made a redeeming comeback in the final game.
11. Despite his past mistakes, he was committed to redeeming his reputation and earning his family's trust back.
12. Her act of kindness towards a stranger was a redeeming moment in an otherwise rough day.
13. The movie's redeeming quality was its powerful and moving soundtrack.
14. The book's redeeming message about the importance of family resonated with readers.
15. She struggled to find redeeming qualities in her toxic relationship.
16. The restaurant offered customers redeeming discounts for their next visit.
17. The politician tried to find a redeeming quality in his opponent's policies, but struggled to do so.
18. The use of environmentally-friendly practices was the company's redeeming factor in the eyes of many consumers.
19. The artist's redeeming quality was their unique and innovative approach to their craft.
20. The actor's performance was lackluster, but the film's redeeming aspect was its stunning cinematography.
21. Despite the negative reviews, the play's redeeming feature was its talented and dedicated cast.
22. The accessory store offered redeeming gift cards for every purchase over a certain amount.
23. The company tried to find a redeeming use for the excess products they had produced.
24. The musician's redeeming attribute was their ability to connect with their fans on a personal level.
25. The video game's redeeming aspect was its intricate storyline and character development.
26. The company offered redeeming points for their loyal customers that could be used towards future purchases.
27. Despite his past criminal history, he was able to redeem himself by dedicating his life to mentoring troubled youth.
28. The organization found a redeeming use for the abandoned buildings that were once an eyesore to the community.
29. After a string of bad relationships, she finally found a partner who had redeeming qualities.
30. The film's redeeming factor was its ability to make audiences laugh and forget about their worries.

Common Phases

Redeeming myself for my mistakes; Redeeming my loyalty to the team; Redeeming my reputation in the community; Redeeming my past failures with success; Redeeming my promise to never give up; Redeeming my values with integrity.

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