Redoubt example sentences

Related (5): fort, stronghold, bastion, citadel, keep

"Redoubt" Example Sentences

1. The castle served as a redoubt against invaders.
2. The hilltop fortifications were the last redoubt of defense against the enemy army.
3. They retreated into the fortress and made their final stand from that redoubt.
4. The fort was their redoubt, the place they fled to for safety.
5. The rebels made their headquarters in the mountain redoubt.
6. The outcrop of rocks served as their final redoubt as the enemy closed in.
7. Their strongest redoubt was the walled city on the mountain.
8. The cave served as a redoubt where they regrouped after the battle.
9. His office seemed like a redoubt, a place of safety where he felt most secure.
10. The bunker was their last redoubt after the city was overrun.
11. The compound served as a redoubt for the rebels.
12. The farmhouse was their final redoubt before surrender.
13. The redoubt allowed them to contain the invasion until reinforcements arrived.
14. They retreated into the redoubt to wait for relief forces.
15. The rebels' redoubt was finally overwhelmed after a two day siege.
16. The small island served as a redoubt where they held out until rescue ships arrived.
17. Their redoubt tactics bought them time to regroup and counterattack.
18. The forest hideout served as a redoubt from which guerilla fighters staged hit-and-run raids.
19. The defenders retreated in to the redoubt, determined to make the enemy pay for every inch.
20. The building became his final redoubt as the press closed in around him.
21. The basements of those buildings served as redoubts during the bombing.
22. The hilltop redoubt provided cover for their snipers.
23. They made a last stand from their hilltop redoubt.
24. The swamp served as their final redoubt where they planned to make a heroic last stand.
25. The protesters used the university campus as a redoubt during clashes with riot police.
26. The redoubt gave them space and time to regroup and develop a new strategy.
27. The island redoubt bought them time to develop a plan to escape their attackers.
28. The mountains served as the Red Army's redoubt during the country's civil war.
29. They were driven back into their redoubt, taking heavy losses with each step.
30. The town was their final redoubt before surrendering to the besieging army.
31. His reclusive habits made his home a kind of redoubt against the outside world.
32. She retreated into her apartment as a type of emotional redoubt against a harsh world.
33. The rebels planned to make the city their final redoubt against the government forces.
34. The castle on the craggy hillside served as an impregnable redoubt against invaders.
35. Bitter partisans made the woods their redoubt from which they harassed the occupying forces.
36. Their only chance was to retreat into the mountain redoubt and try to hold out as long as possible.
37. The redoubt tactic only delayed their inevitable defeat.
38. Her home became a kind of redoubt from the stress of her job.
39. The camp became their final redoubt as enemy forces closed in from all sides.
40. They retreated into their redoubt to make their last stand after a long retreat.
41.His office became a type of redoubt from professional pressures and personal problems.
42. The rebels held out for two weeks from their hillside redoubt before finally surrendering.
43. The soldiers used the communications trench as a temporary redoubt during the bombardment.
44. The monastery served as redoubt against Ottoman invaders for centuries.
45. She used shopping as a type of retail redoubt against family problems.
46. The deep bunker served as their final redoubt after the surface compound was overrun.
47.The swamp served as a type of natural redoubt against the advancing army.
48. The university campus became a student redoubt during the week of protests.
49.His work was an intellectual redoubt against many of life's frustrations.
50. There were rumors the president might use the palace as a final redoubtif ousted from power.
51. The thick woods served as an effective redoubt from which to launch guerrilla attacks.
52. They died fighting in their mountaintop redoubt.
53. The town became a final redoubt for anti-government rebels in the region.
54. The hillside village served as their hapless redoubt against the mechanized army.
55. Military exercises focused on strategies for breaking the enemy's hilltop redoubts.
56. The island refuge served as a kind of psychological redoubt for him against the rat race.
57. Their hilltop redoubt became an inescapable trap as enemy troops surrounded the hill.
58. They made their final stand from their hillside redoubt before being wiped out.
59. The fishing village served as a natural redoubt against the marauding navy.
60. The rebels fled into the mountain redoubt they had previously established.

Common Phases

1. Their last redoubt
2. A final redoubt
3. Hideout and redoubt
4. Redoubt of safety
5. Their only redoubt
6. A mountain redoubt
7. Impregnable redoubt
8. Fortress and redoubt
9. A hilltop redoubt
10. Last line of redoubt

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