Reeve example sentences
Related (5): Sheriff, Bailiff, Steward, Warden, Provost.
reeve (noun) · reeves (plural noun)
- a local official, in particular the chief magistrate of a town or district in Anglo-Saxon England.
- the president of a village or town council.
verb nautical
reeve (verb) · reeves (third person present) · rove (past tense) · rove (past participle) · reeving (present participle) · reeved (past participle) · reeved (past tense)
- thread (a rope or rod) through a ring or other aperture, especially in a block:
reeve (noun) · reeves (plural noun)
- a female ruff. See ruff
judge, magistrate, recorder, sheriff, jurat, jurist, surrogate, alcalde, beak, bailie, ruff"Reeve" Example Sentences
1. The king knighted the reeve for his loyal service.
2. The reeve collected rents and taxes from the villagers.
3. It was the reeve's responsibility to maintain order in the village.
4. The reeve presided over the manorial court and enforced the lord's laws.
5. The position of reeve was an honorable one in the medieval village.
6. The reeve's wife helped him carry out his duties in the village.
7. The villagers respected the reeve and came to him with their disputes and problems.
8. The reeve ensured that the villagers paid their rent on time to the lord of the manor.
9. The reeve organized work parties to maintain fields, roads, and communal buildings.
10. The position of reeve required honesty, wisdom, and good organizational skills.
11. The reeve had to be firm but fair in executing his responsibilities.
12. The reeve served as an intermediary between the lord and the villagers.
13. The reeve hired laborers to work in the lord's demesne lands.
14. The money the reeve collected went towards maintaining the manor.
15. At manorial courts, the reeve presented cases of villagers accused of crimes or misdemeanors.
16. The reeve kept records of rents, debts, and fines owed to the manor.
17. The reeve inspected the quality of work done by the villagers and laborers.
18. The reeve had the power to punish minor offences in the village.
19. The reeve's position was one of authority but also of obligation and service.
20. The reeve oversaw markets and fairs held in the village.
21. The role of reeve made him an important figure in the manor and village.
22. The reeve had to resolve conflicts and disputes that arose in the village.
23. Some reeves abused their power, acting unjustly towards the villagers.
24. Eventually, the position of reeve became an appointment, rather than an election by the villagers.
25. The reeve's position was usually held by a freeman or a wealthy yeoman farmer.
26. A good reeve fostered cooperation, mutual aid and harmony in the village community.
27. The reeve maintained law and order so that village life could function smoothly.
28. The position of reeve gradually declined as manorial courts lost power over time.
29. When recommending an individual for the role of reeve, honesty and integrity were valued above all else.
30. The reeve carried a staff or mace as a symbol of his authority.
31. The reeve kept the keys to the village stocks, where offenders were sometimes imprisoned.
32. In some places, the reeve was called the "warden" or "borough-reeve."
33. Reeves were also responsible for overseeing the proper measuring of goods in the market.
34. A bad reeve who was unjust or corrupt could make village life difficult and unhappiness.
35. Children were taught to respect and obey the reeve as an authority figure.
36. The punishment of an unjust reeve was regarded as a way of restoring balance and harmony.
37. Reeves were sometimes assigned assistant reeves to help with their many duties.
38. In return for his duties and services, the reeve received certain fees and payments.
39. Modern figures with some similarities to medieval reeves include judges, magistrates and mayors.
40. Although a difficult job, some reeves took great pride and satisfaction in their role.
41. Reeves carried out vital functions necessary for the proper functioning of medieval villages.
42. Tales and fables sometimes featured sly or foolish reeves to highlight flaws in human nature.
43. Good reeves were celebrated as examples of justice, integrity and community service.
44. The role of the reeve began to diminish as royal law gained prominence over manorial courts.
45. Signs were sometimes painted on the stocks to threaten offenders against the reeve's authority.
46. Reeves were expected to set a good example and uphold the moral values of the community.
47. Reeves mediated disputes, maintained property records and organized communal services.
48. The job of reeve was physically demanding and required tireless dedication and resourcefulness.
49. Reeves were integral to maintaining peace, cooperation and economic productivity in villages.
50. Over time, royal bailiffs replaced reeves as enforcers of law and order at the local level.
51. Reeves remained important local administrative figures for several hundred years.
52. Reeves were among the lower ranks of the medieval hierarchy but filled a vital role.
53. The role and importance of reeves illustrates much about life in medieval villages.
54. The history of the position of reeve reveals the competing interests at play in medieval society.
55. Literature often features reeves either as wise and just or foolish and self-interested.
56. The experiences of medieval reeves offer insight into the values and needs of preindustrial communities.
57. Reeves represented the link between centralized authority and decentralized village life.
58. The decline of reeves accompanied wider shifts away from manorialism and towards capitalism.
59. Modern governments bear some responsibilities similar to those once filled by medieval reeves.
60. The history of reeves and their role offers a window into medieval social organization.
Common Phases
1. The rider dismounted and helped the reeve dislodge the wagon wheel from the rut in the road.
2. The jousting tournament was held to determine who would be the new reeve of Sherwood Forest.
3. The reeve collected taxes from all the villagers in Sherwood Forest.
4. Robin Hood stopped paying taxes to the corrupt greedy reeve.
5. The villagers celebrated as Robin Hood and Little John tied up the hated reeve and left him hanging upside down from a tree.
6. The lawless outlaws had no respect for the reeve or any authority figure.
7. The former reeve spent years trying to catch Robin Hood and bring him to justice.
8. The reeve rode through the village announcing the news of the king's decree.
9. The reeve's duties included overseeing public works projects and village affairs.
10. The manor owed allegiance and taxes to the reeve and sheriff.
11. After the reeve collected the taxes, he deposited the money at the sheriff's keep.
12. The villagers complained to the reeve about the high taxes and unfair rules.
13. The sheriff put pressure on the reeve to collect as much money as possible.
14. The reeve inspected the town walls and ordered repairs to be made.
15. The sheriff accused the reeve of stealing tax funds and threatened to bring him to trial.
16. The corrupt reeve charged exorbitant bridge tolls and pocketed most of the money.
17. The old reeve had served the village faithfully for decades and was much respected.
18. The new young reeve had ambitious plans to improve the village infrastructure.
19. The villagers begged the reeve to help negotiate a lower toll with the greedy knight.
20. When the wagon drivers refused to pay the toll, the angry reeve closed the bridge.
21. The reeve delivered bad news of a coming invasion to the king at the castle.
22. The peasants had little power over the distant king, sheriff and reeve who ruled their lives.
23. The king appointed wealthy landowners to serve as reeve over their local villages.
24. The reeve's responsibilities included settling disputes, enforcing laws and collecting taxes.
25. The reeve summoned the blacksmith about complaints that he was overcharging for horseshoes.
26. The reeve decided in favor of the blacksmith, finding that his prices were reasonable.
27. The angry villagers argued with the reeve's decision and threatened to take their business elsewhere.
28. The reeve cautioned the villagers against disobeying his ruling on the matter.
29. The reeve warned the peasants not to harvest crops from the lord's field.
30. The peasants ignored the reeve's warning and harvested the crops anyway.
31. The reeve fined the peasants and had their wheat confiscated for trespassing on the lord's land.
32. The reeve summoned the town crier to announce new rules regarding curfew and public gatherings.
33. The reeve sentenced the thieves to a month in the stocks in the village square.
34. The old reeve presided over his last village court before riding off into retirement.
35. The reeve gathered witnesses to testify about the brawl at the tavern the previous night.
36. The reeve heard the two sides of the dispute and judged which party was most at fault.
37. The reeve sentenced the guilty party to a week in jail and a fine to pay for the tavern's damages.
38. The judge overruled the reeve's decision and freed the prisoner, finding many errors in the trial.
39. The new reeve hoped to rule the village with justice, fairness and wisdom.
40. The peasants lost respect for the reeve after he accepted a bribe to look the other way.
41. The disgruntled villagers called for the corrupt reeve to be removed from his post.
42. The king's messenger arrived at the village and summoned the reeve to the royal court.
43. The villagers breathed a sigh of relief once the oppressive reeve finally left town.
44. The new reeve promised to listen carefully to the villagers' concerns and grievances.
45. The king appointed his son as the new reeve to gain support among the peasants.
46. The villagers soon grew frustrated with the inexperienced young reeve's poor leadership.
47. The reeve reluctantly announced that taxes would have to be raised to fund the king's war efforts.
48. The angry peasants threatened to riot over the reeve's unpopular tax increase.
49. The wise old reeve reminded the peasants that obeying the king's laws was their duty.
50. The reeve tried to negotiate a compromise that would satisfy both the peasants and the king.
51. The reeve called for unity and self-sacrifice for the greater good of the kingdom.
52. The peasants grudgingly paid the higher taxes to support their king in his time of need.
53. The reeve was appointed to see that the laws were obeyed and justice was served fairly.
54. The villagers had mixed feelings about the dour but honest reeve who ruled over them.
55. The peasants distrusted and disliked the reeve who enforced unfair taxes and oppressive laws.
56. The reeve did his best to maintain order and keep the peace in the village under his care.
57. The sheriff commended the diligent reeve for collecting so much tax revenue this year.
58. The peasants complained that the reeve showed favoritism to the wealthy landowners.
59. The reeve warned the peasants against further acts of defiance and lawlessness.
60. Though he tried his best, the reeve felt powerless to change the unjust system he served.
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