Regulationn example sentences

Related (15): control, oversight, policy, guideline, statute, restriction, law, rule, order, mandate, requirement, standard, directive, code, protocol

"Regulationn" Example Sentences

1. The regulation of the financial industry is necessary to avoid another economic crisis.
2. To protect public health, there should be strict regulation of food processing factories.
3. The regulation of air pollution is crucial to prevent respiratory diseases.
4. The government needs to strengthen regulation of the pharmaceutical industry.
5. There should be clear regulation of online privacy to protect personal data.
6. The regulation of child labor is important to ensure quality education.
7. To avoid accidents, the regulation of the automotive industry should be improved.
8. The government needs to implement better regulation of the use of fossil fuels.
9. The regulation of immigration policies is essential for national security.
10. The regulation of gun ownership is a highly debated issue in the United States.
11. There are different regulations for the use of drones in different parts of the world.
12. The regulation of insurance companies is necessary to protect consumers from fraud.
13. The airline industry is governed by strict regulations to ensure safety.
14. The regulation of the fishing industry is important for ecological balance.
15. The regulation of genetically modified organisms is a controversial topic.
16. There should be a regulation of the use of pesticides in agriculture.
17. The regulation of social media platforms is necessary to prevent cyberbullying.
18. The regulation of commercial advertising is important to prevent false claims.
19. To prevent animal cruelty, there should be strong regulation of the use of animals in entertainment.
20. The regulation of renewable energy sources is important for environmental sustainability.
21. There should be mandatory regulation of access to clean drinking water in developing countries.
22. The regulation of the fashion industry is a growing concern for sustainability.
23. The regulation of the tobacco industry is necessary to prevent addiction and diseases.
24. There should be stricter regulation of waste disposal to reduce pollution.
25. The regulation of medical research is important for ethical reasons.
26. The regulation of the housing market is crucial for affordable housing.
27. The regulation of multinational corporations is necessary for fair trade.
28. There should be international regulations for climate change mitigation.
29. The regulation of the music industry is important for copyright protection.
30. The regulation of artificial intelligence is a developing field in technology.

Common Phases

1. The regulation of traffic is essential for maintaining safety on roads;
2. Regulation of the financial market is necessary to prevent fraud and protect investors;
3. Effective regulation of the oil and gas industry is crucial for environmental protection;
4. Regulations in the workplace ensure the safety and well-being of employees;
5. Government regulations on food and drug production guarantee the quality and safety of these products.

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