Relative example sentences

Related (10): family, kin, sibling, cousin, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, grandparent, ancestor

"Relative" Example Sentences

1. My cousin is my closest relative.
2. He lives far away from his extended relatives.
3. I have very few living relatives left.
4. He compared the two products based on their relative merits.
5. The prices are relatively inexpensive.
6. The boys are related but not relatives.
7. My distant relatives live in another country.
8. I saw some of my relatives at the family reunion.
9. The salary increase will improve her income relative to her colleagues.
10. You have to look at things in relative terms.
11. Older relatives often make good advisers.
12. In relative terms, he's quite wealthy.
13. His comment was relatively harmless.
14. Their salaries are comparable in relative terms.
15. She compared their ages in relative terms.
16. He moved away from his hometown to distance himself from his relatives.
17. We are distantly related through marriage.
18. My closest relatives live on the other side of the country.
19. His older relatives doted on him as a child.
20. The treatment has relatively few side effects.
21. I saw many relatives at the family reunion.
22. Their accomplishments must be viewed in relative terms.
23. They have a relatively happy marriage.
24. Younger relatives often look up to their elders.
25. She met many new relatives at the wedding.
26. They tended to view things in relative rather than absolute terms.
27. She is relatively new to the company.
28. In simple relative terms, he's not very intelligent.
29. The house is relatively small compared to others on the street.
30. Their salaries were comparable only in relative terms.
31. In relative terms, summers are hotter here than they used to be.
32. She rarely sees her distant relatives.
33. Her speed is relatively slow for an Olympic athlete.
34. His extended family includes many relatives.
35. The salaries were closely matched in relative terms.
36. The two cities are relatively close in proximity.
37. In relative terms, she is quite rich.
38. We tried to judge the issue in relative rather than absolute terms.
39. Their salaries appeared comparable until viewed in relative terms.
40. He hopes to meet many new relatives at the family reunion.
41. I don't see my distant relatives very often.
42. That job offers relatively little responsibility.
43. His oldest relatives are quite elderly.
44. Their incomes were closely aligned in relative terms.
45. His closest relatives live very far away.
46. Given her age, she has relatively few wrinkles.
47. He failed to consider all variables in relative terms.
48. His extended family includes many elderly relatives.
49. Her oldest relatives were born in a different century.
50. I share a close bond with my immediate relatives.
51. In relative terms, his income is quite low.
52. His extended family includes many distant relatives.
53. In relative rather than absolute terms, she's quite successful.
54. His closest relatives live abroad.
55. The improvement was relatively minor.
56. His oldest relatives remember the Great Depression.
57. Their incomes were closely matched in relative terms.
58. I rarely see my distant relatives.
59. She rarely interacts with distant relatives.
60. He enjoys spending time with his extended family and relatives.

Common Phases

close relative
distant relative
extended relative
immediate relative
elderly relative
young relative
older relative
younger relative
family relative
in-law relative
living relative
in relative terms
in relative rather than absolute terms
relatively cheap
relatively expensive
relatively easy
relatively difficult
relatively quick
relatively slow
relatively safe
relatively dangerous
relatively short
relatively long
relatively small
relatively large
relatively few
relatively many
relatively rare
relatively common
human: 60 example sentences using "agreement" word.

1. The two parties finally reached an agreement.
2. They signed a mutual non-disclosure agreement.
3. The contract stipulates the terms of the agreement.
4. The treaty was an historic agreement between the two countries.
5. We came to an agreement to end the dispute.
6. The lease agreement outlined the tenant's responsibilities.
7. The new employment agreement guaranteed him a raise.
8. The company is seeking a licensing agreement with the patent holder.
9. The company drafted a non-compete agreement.
10. He violated the terms of their verbal agreement.
11. They signed a settlement agreement to end the lawsuit.
12. I have no disagreement with your assessment.
13. The labor union sought a collective bargaining agreement.
14. The partnership agreement outlined everyone's responsibilities.
15. The prenuptial agreement protected both parties' assets.
16. The trade negotiations aim for a mutually beneficial agreement.
17. His refusal angered those who wanted him to honor the agreement.
18. The contract stipulated the terms of the plea agreement.
19. They reached a compromise agreement on the budget.
20. The politicians struggled to come to an agreement.
21. We signed a ceasefire agreement to end the hostilities.
22. The memorandum of understanding served as a preliminary agreement.
23. The candidate sought bipartisan agreement on key issues.
24. The mother reached an agreement with her daughter about curfew.
25. The loan agreement specified the repayment terms.
26. There was general agreement among scientists about the findings.
27. The divorce agreement stipulated alimony payments and child support.
28. They signed a written agreement specifying the terms.
29. The music artists signed a record deal agreement with the label.
30. The family matriarch settled disputes through mutual agreement.
31. After lengthy negotiations, the workers finally reached an agreement with management.
32. The jury couldn't come to an agreement about the defendant's guilt.
33. Their views aligned closely, so they easily reached an agreement.
34. The plea agreement guaranteed a reduced sentence.
35. The contract outlined the terms of the warranty agreement.
36. The treaty agreement aimed to establish lasting peace.
37. The authority figure attempted to find common ground and reach an agreement.
38. The nations signed an understanding agreement on trade tariffs.
39. After heated debate, the council finally reached an agreement.
40. The co-authors drafted an agreement to outline their responsibilities.
41. The prisoner hoped the plea agreement would reduce his sentence.
42. Cooperation requires finding common ground and coming to an agreement.
43. The contract represented the terms of our agreement.
44. The loan agreement stipulated high interest payments.
45. The judges struggled to come to an agreement.
46. The contract outlined the terms of the service level agreement.
47. The treaty marked a historic agreement between the two nations.
48. The jury failed to come to an agreement about the defendant's guilt.
49. The loan agreement stipulated hefty fees and penalties.
50. After lengthy debate, the rivals finally reached a compromise agreement.
51. We had a verbal agreement that did not require a signed contract.
52. Finding common ground and coming to an agreement requires compromise.
53. We shook hands to seal our verbal agreement.
54. The businessmen drafted a non-disclosure agreement to protect shared information.
55. The plea agreement stipulated a reduced prison sentence.
56. The legal agreement stipulated the terms of royalty payments.
57. The agreement outlined everyone's roles and responsibilities.
58. After several rounds of negotiations, the union finally reached an agreement with management.
59. The peace treaty marked a historic agreement between longtime enemies.
60. The contract formalized the terms of our oral agreement.

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