Relentings example sentences

Related (10): repentance, leniency, mercy, compassion, forgiveness, empathy, tolerance, flexibility, yielding, compromise.

"Relentings" Example Sentences

1. Despite his initial refusal, she eventually wore him down with her relentings.
2. Her relentings towards him had been gradual, but they eventually led to a full-blown romance.
3. He couldn't resist her relentings and soon found himself falling madly in love with her.
4. The relentless rain showed no sign of relenting anytime soon.
5. Even with his endless begging and pleading, she showed no relenting in her decision to leave him.
6. Her constant relentings towards her children sometimes made her feel like she was a pushover.
7. The prisoner's repeated pleas for mercy eventually led to some relenting from the judge.
8. The team's relentless pursuit of victory eventually paid off with a championship title.
9. The company's relentless pursuit of profit sometimes came at the expense of its employees' well-being.
10. The dog's relentless barking was enough to drive anyone crazy.
11. Despite her initial relenting, she eventually realized that he was not the right person for her.
12. Their constant relentings towards each other led to a deep and longstanding friendship.
13. The weather's relentless heat was almost unbearable.
14. His relenting towards his boss's demands sometimes made him feel like he was compromising his values.
15. The enemy's relentless attacks eventually wore down the defending army's morale.
16. The athlete's relentlessness in training helped him become one of the best in his sport.
17. Despite her tireless relenting, she could never seem to satisfy her boss's impossible demands.
18. The tax collector's relentlessness in pursuing overdue payments sometimes felt like harassment.
19. Their relenting towards the environment was evident in their commitment to sustainability practices.
20. The hurricane's relentless winds and rain caused widespread damage and devastation.
21. His relenting towards his addiction eventually led to his downfall.
22. The company's relentless advertising campaign helped them sell record numbers of products.
23. The opponent's relentless pressure eventually wore down the defending champion and led to an upset victory.
24. Her relenting towards her son's frequent tantrums only reinforced his bad behavior.
25. The wildfire's relentless spread consumed everything in its path.
26. Despite her employer's lack of relenting in paying her fairly, she refused to give up the fight.
27. The student's tireless relenting towards her studies paid off with a near-perfect GPA.
28. The dictator's relentless pursuit of power came at the expense of the people's freedom and rights.
29. His relentlessness in achieving his goals sometimes caused him to neglect other aspects of his life.
30. The runner's relentlessness in training and racing helped him set several new records.

Common Phases

1. Despite his initial resistance, he eventually relented;
2. The company finally relented and gave their employees the day off;
3. After much convincing, my parents relented and let me go to the concert;
4. The government relented and provided aid to the disaster-stricken area;
5. She didn't want to, but eventually relented and apologized for her behavior.

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