"Reliquiae" Example Sentences
1. Invenit reliquiae martyrum in cripta. (He found the relics of martyrs in the crypt.)
2. Venerabantur reliquiae sancti ut patroni civitatis. (They venerated the relics of the saint as the patron of the city.)
3. Peregrini ad sepulcrum veniebant ut reliquiae viderent. (Pilgrims came to the tomb to see the relics.)
4. Reliquiae sancti mirabilia faciebant. (The relics of the saint performed miracles.)
5. Ecclesia divitias acquisivit ex donis fidelium pro reliquiae. (The church gained riches from the gifts of the faithful for the relics.)
6. Cathedra honorificus facta est super reliquiae insignes. (An honorary chair was made over the distinguished relics.)
7. Templo aedificato pro secundae reliquiae sancti. (A temple was built for the secondary relics of the saint.)
8. Ossa reliquiae erant in pyxide argentea. (The bones, the relics, were in a silver box.)
9. Cultus reliquiarum floruit in illo tempore. (The cult of relics flourished at that time.)
10. Pretiosae reliquiae in capsula aurea servabantur. (The precious relics were kept in a golden capsule.)
11. Cista lapidea continebat sacrae reliquiae. (The stone casket contained the sacred relics.)
12. Aecclesia acquisivit reliquiae ut fideles attraheret. (The church acquired relics in order to attract the faithful.)
13. Credebat se sanitatem recipere per reliquiae sancti. (He believed he would recover his health through the relics of the saint.)
14. Ecclesia instituta est pro memoria et veneratione reliquiae. (The church was established for the memory and veneration of the relic.)
15. Reliquiae martyrum sepultae sunt sub altare. (The relics of the martyrs were buried under the altar.)
16. Populus devotus adorabat reliquiae cum lacrimis gaudio. (The devout people adored the relics with tears of joy.)
17. Peregrini venerabantur reliquiae pro indulgentia et remedium. (Pilgrims venerated the relics for indulgences and remedy.)
18. Pagani impugnabant cultum reliquiarum christianorum. (The pagans attacked the cult of Christian relics.)
19. Reliquiae sancti servabantur in pyxide aurea pretiosa. (The relics of the saint were kept in a precious golden box.)
20. Ex reliquiis sancti lex divina promulgata est. (From the relics of the saint, divine law was promulgated.)
21. Pretiosae reliquiae templo inclusae dignae veneratione erant. (The precious relics enclosed in the temple were worthy of veneration.)
22. Ecclesia sanctificata est per reliquiae martyrum. (The church was sanctified through the relics of the martyrs.)
23. Populus petivit ad videndum reliquiae ut miracula viderent. (The people begged to see the relics so that they might see miracles.)
24. Oleum e lampada de reliquiis miracula faciebat. (The oil from the lamp of the relics performed miracles.)
25. Imperator donavit ecclesiae reliquiae pretiosas. (The emperor donated precious relics to the church.)
26. Corpus sancti servabatur ut reliquiae in capsula argentea. (The body of the saint was kept as a relic in a silver capsule.)
27. Ostendit reliquiae ut fideles gauderent. (He showed the relics so that the faithful might rejoice.)
28. Corpus sancti venerabatur ut reliquiae post mortem. (The body of the saint was venerated as a relic after death.)
29. Ossa sancti servata sunt ut reliquiae dignae veneratione. (The bones of the saint were kept as relics worthy of veneration.)
30. Invenit pretiosas reliquiae sepultae sub altare. (He found precious relics buried under the altar.)
31. Reliquiae sanctorum servabantur in ecclesia sanctuario. (The relics of the saints were kept in the church's sanctuary.)
32. Cultus reliquiarum juvabat fideles christianos. (The cult of relics helped Christian believers.)
33. Imperator donavit ecclesiae pyxidem cum reliquiis martyrum. (The emperor donated to the church a box containing the relics of martyrs.)
34. Reliquiae martyrum sepultae sub altare sanctificaverunt ecclesiam. (The relics of the martyrs buried under the altar sanctified the church.)
35. Populus cum gaudio magno venerabatur reliquiae insignes. (With great joy, the people venerated the distinguished relics.)
36. Alter erectum fuit honorificum pro reliquiae sancti. (An honorary altar was erected for the relic of the saint.)
37. Reliquiae at those tempora magnam fascinationem habuerunt. (At those times, the relics had a great fascination.)
38. Populus stans in fila longa volebat tangere et videre reliquiae. (The people standing in long lines wanted to touch and see the relics.)
39. Oleum ex reliquiis sanctorum dicebatur tribuere sanitatem egrotis. (The oil from the relics of the saints was said to give health to the sick.)
40. Erat mos ut reliquiae sanctorum tangerentur ad petitiones exaudiendas. (It was the custom that the relics of the saints be touched for petitions to be heard.)
41. Ostendit illis reliquias ut auxilium ab eis petere possent. (He showed them the relics so that they might ask for help from them.)
42. Cultus reliquiarum erat pars vitae religiosae populi. (The cult of relics was part of the religious life of the people.)
43. Reliquiae inspirabant fidem in miracula et potentiam sanctorum. (The relics inspired faith in the miracles and power of the saints.)
44. Dona faciebat ecclesiae ut reliquiae prodigiosae acquirerentur. (He made gifts to the church so that marvelous relics might be acquired.)
45. Particula ligni crucis venerabatur ut reliquiae sanctissimae. (A particle of the wood of the cross was venerated as the most sacred of relics.)
46. Cultus reliquiarum ostendit devotionem populi mediaevalis. (The cult of relics shows the devotion of the medieval people.)
47. Reliquiae genuinae habebant pretium inaestimabile. (Genuine relics had an inestimable price.)
48. Imperator donavit pyxidem auream cum reliquiis martyrum inclusas. (The emperor donated a golden box containing the enclosed relics of martyrs.)
49. Reliquiae martyrum sepultae in aecclesia fundamenta miraculosa posuerunt. (The relics of the martyrs buried in the church laid miraculous foundations.)
50. Vasa aurea pretiosa faciebant ut reliquiae honorificentur. (The precious golden vessels made it so that the relics were honored.)
Common Phases
Reliquiae sanctae - holy relics
Reliquiae pretiosae - precious relics
Reliquiae venerabiles - venerable relics
Cultus reliquiarum - the cult of relics
Donum reliquiarum - gift of relics
reliquiae - to see the relics
reliquiae - to venerate the relics
Orare ad
reliquiae - to pray to the relics
Reliquiae insignes - distinguished relics
Reliquiae prodigiosae - marvelous relics
Osculum pacis
reliquiae - a kiss of peace to the relics
Reliquiae genuinae - genuine relics
Reliquiae maiores - major relics (relics of the body)
Reliquiae minores - minor relics (objects associated with a saint)
Reliquiae sanctorum - the relics of the saints
Reliquiae martyrum - the relics of martyrs