"Reluctation" Example Sentences
1. Despite her reluctation, she finally agreed to try the spicy food.
2. His reluctation to attend the party was evident.
3. Due to her reluctation to dive into the water, she didn't participate in the swimming competition.
4. John's reluctation to choose a career path made him indecisive.
5. Despite his reluctation to join, he eventually became a member of the club.
6. Her reluctation to take risks held her back from achieving her goals.
7. The team's reluctation to give up led them to victory.
8. Harry's reluctation to speak in public made him nervous.
9. Due to his reluctation to ask for help, he struggled in silence.
10. The lecturer's reluctation to give interpretations left the audience puzzled.
11. Despite her reluctation to move abroad, she finally decided to take the job offer.
12. The writer's reluctation to edit her own work led to many errors in her manuscript.
13. His reluctation to compromise caused conflict in the negotiation.
14. Her reluctation to make decisions without consulting others made her appear indecisive.
15. The CEO's reluctation to change the company's strategy led to its downfall.
16. Despite the bride's reluctation to have a big wedding, her parents insisted.
17. His reluctation to trust others made it difficult for him to make friends.
18. The athlete's reluctation to accept defeat fueled her determination to win.
19. Her reluctation to try new things limited her experiences.
20. Due to his reluctation to confront the issue, the problem persisted.
21. Despite the student's reluctation to participate in class, he received a good grade.
22. The manager's reluctation to delegate tasks made it difficult for the team to work efficiently.
23. His reluctation to invest in the stock market caused him to miss out on potential profits.
24. Despite her reluctation to speak in front of a crowd, she delivered a great speech.
25. The politician's reluctation to compromise hindered progress on important issues.
26. Her reluctation to accept feedback prevented her from improving her skills.
27. The employee's reluctation to ask for a raise resulted in being underpaid.
28. His reluctation to admit his mistake caused more harm than good.
29. Despite her reluctation to forgive, she eventually let go of the grudge.
30. The teacher's reluctation to provide extra help left struggling students behind.
Common Phases
1. "I feel a sense of
reluctation when it comes to making a decision; I'm afraid of making the wrong choice."
2. "She showed
reluctation to participate in the team project; perhaps she didn't feel confident in her abilities."
3. "There was a hint of
reluctation in his voice as he agreed to meet with the difficult client; he knew it wouldn't be easy."
4. "Despite her
reluctation, she decided to join the volunteer organization; she felt it was her duty to give back to the community."
5. "His
reluctation to try new foods often limited his dining options; he preferred to stick with what he knew he liked."