Remedially example sentences

Related (20): tutoring, intervention, supporting, correcting, instructing, improving, rehabilitating, resolving, fixing, healing, rectifying, addressing, mitigating, easing, alleviating, curing, ameliorating, redressing, repairing, controlling.

"Remedially" Example Sentences

1. The student struggled in math and needed remedially focused tutoring.
2. The coach recommended remedially exercising to improve the athlete's performance.
3. The doctor prescribed remedially oriented therapy to treat the patient's condition.
4. The teacher designed a remedially themed lesson plan to help struggling students catch up.
5. The counselor suggested remedially applied strategies to manage the client's stress.
6. The lawyer recommended remedially based legal action to resolve the dispute.
7. The nurse administered remedially targeted medication to alleviate the patient's symptoms.
8. The therapist suggested remedially focused sessions to address the client's anxiety.
9. The consultant proposed remedially guided solutions to improve the company's efficiency.
10. The trainer developed a remedially oriented workout routine to help the athlete recover from an injury.
11. The academic advisor recommended a remedially based study plan to help the student succeed.
12. The speech therapist used remedially focused techniques to improve the client's communication skills.
13. The nutritionist suggested remedially designed meal plans to address the client's dietary concerns.
14. The social worker employed remedially oriented interventions to support the client's well-being.
15. The architect designed a remedially based plan to improve the building's sustainability.
16. The mechanic suggested a remedially targeted repair to fix the vehicle's issue.
17. The financial advisor recommended a remedially focused budget plan to help the client save money.
18. The dentist prescribed a remedially targeted treatment to fix the patient's dental problem.
19. The engineer proposed a remedially oriented solution to fix the equipment's malfunction.
20. The music teacher utilized remedially themed exercises to improve the student's skills.
21. The landscaper recommended a remedially based plan to improve the garden's appearance.
22. The software developer designed a remedially oriented program to fix the software's bugs.
23. The farmer employed remedially targeted methods to improve the crop yield.
24. The artist utilized remedially focused techniques to improve their art.
25. The therapist prescribed remedially based readings to help the client understand their emotions.
26. The writer employed remedially targeted editing to improve the manuscript's quality.
27. The chef suggested remedially themed recipes to address the customer's dietary restrictions.
28. The marketer proposed a remedially oriented campaign to improve the company's brand.
29. The hairdresser recommended remedially based products to fix the customer's hair.
30. The carpenter utilized remedially focused techniques to fix the furniture.

Common Phases

1. He was performing remedially in the classroom; his teacher suggested extra tutoring sessions.
2. The company was underperforming remedially in the market; they hired a new CEO to turn things around.
3. She struggled to understand the math concepts; her tutor explained them remedially until she grasped them.
4. The athlete had suffered an injury and needed to train remedially before returning to competition.
5. The student's writing skills were lacking; the teacher worked with them remedially to improve their grammar and syntax.

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