Remembering example sentences

Related (8): memory, reminiscing, recollection, retention, commemoration, memorization, nostalgia, remembrance

"Remembering" Example Sentences

1. Remembering the past is important for understanding the present.
2. She had trouble remembering her own telephone number.
3. Remembering to take your medication is crucial for your well-being.
4. He had no trouble remembering his lines for the play.
5. She enjoyed remembering the happy times of her childhood.
6. Remembering to turn off the stove is a basic safety measure.
7. The act of remembering can trigger feelings of nostalgia and sentimentality.
8. He had a fantastic memory for remembering names and faces.
9. Remembering anniversaries is important for maintaining relationships.
10. She had a hard time remembering the date of her wedding anniversary.
11. Remembering complex processes can be aided by using mnemonics.
12. He struggled with remembering details from his history lectures.
13. Remembering to drink enough water during the day is important for staying hydrated.
14. She had trouble remembering her friend's phone number after it changed.
15. Remembering to lock the front door is a simple but important habit.
16. His photographic memory allowed him to excel in tasks that required remembering details.
17. Remembering to pack all necessary items is important when preparing for a trip.
18. She found comfort in remembering her grandmother's wise words.
19. Remembering important dates can be aided by setting reminders on your phone or calendar.
20. His inability to remembering faces made social situations challenging for him.
21. Remembering basic math formulas is important for success in certain academic fields.
22. She spent hours studying for the test, focusing on remembering key concepts.
23. Remembering to charge your phone overnight is important for avoiding a dead battery.
24. His exceptional memory for remembering historical dates and events impressed his teachers.
25. Remembering to check your email can help you stay on top of important communications.
26. She struggled with remembering new people's names in social situations.
27. Remembering driving rules and regulations is crucial for maintaining safety on the road.
28. His talent for remembering song lyrics made him a hit at karaoke night.
29. Remembering to wear sunscreen is crucial for preventing sun damage to your skin.
30. She spent hours practicing for the piano recital, focusing on remembering the difficult passages.

Common Phases

1. Remembering old memories brings back a flood of emotions;
2. Remembering the good times is always comforting;
3. Remembering the past can be bittersweet;
4. Remembering a loved one who has passed away is never easy;
5. Remembering to cherish each moment is important;
6. Remembering to be grateful for what we have is essential;
7. Remembering important dates and events helps us stay organized;
8. Remembering to take care of ourselves is crucial for our well-being;
9. Remembering to forgive can bring about healing and growth;
10. Remembering to stay true to ourselves is important in a world that tries to change us.

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