Rencountered example sentences

Related (4): Confronted, faced, encountered, met

"Rencountered" Example Sentences

1. She rencountered her ex-boyfriend at the party, but they didn't speak.
2. The hikers rencountered the bear they had seen earlier on the trail.
3. After months of searching, she finally rencountered her lost dog.
4. The soldier rencountered his former squad members on the battlefield.
5. I rencountered an old friend from high school at the grocery store.
6. The detective rencountered the suspect he had interrogated earlier.
7. They rencountered the same traffic jam on their morning commute.
8. The swimmer rencountered a school of fish while diving in the ocean.
9. He rencountered the pain in his injured knee while jogging.
10. We rencountered the same problem we thought we had solved.
11. The archaeologist rencountered the ancient artifacts he had studied in college.
12. She rencountered her fear of heights while climbing the mountain.
13. The cyclist rencountered the steep hill he had struggled to climb before.
14. They rencountered the same rude customer at the restaurant.
15. The actor rencountered the same director he had worked with on a previous project.
16. He rencountered the same heartbreaking news he had received before.
17. The musician rencountered a melody he had composed years ago.
18. She rencountered the same error message on her computer.
19. The driver rencountered the same road construction as the day before.
20. They rencountered the same obstacle on the obstacle course during training.
21. The artist rencountered a painting he had created years ago.
22. She rencountered the same allergic reaction to seafood.
23. The chef rencountered a recipe he had learned in culinary school.
24. He rencountered the same frustration trying to assemble the furniture.
25. The student rencountered a difficult math problem from a previous class.
26. She rencountered the same dream she had experienced before.
27. The traveler rencountered the same friendly locals from his previous visit.
28. He rencountered the same injury he had suffered before playing sports.
29. The scientist rencountered a hypothesis she had tested in a previous experiment.
30. She rencountered the same disappointment she had felt in a previous relationship.

Common Phases

1. I recently rencountered an old friend from high school; it was a pleasant surprise.
2. Despite my best efforts to avoid him, I rencountered my ex-boyfriend at a mutual friend's party.
3. It wasn't until I traveled to France that I rencountered my love for macarons.
4. The last time I rencountered my boss, it didn't go very well.
5. As fate would have it, I rencountered the same stranger on my morning commute for the third time this week.
6. I rencountered my fear of heights when I went rock climbing with friends last weekend.
7. The moment I rencountered my childhood home, memories flooded back in a wave of nostalgia.
8. After years of avoiding horror movies, I recently rencountered my love for the genre.
9. It was only when I rencountered my original inspiration for writing that I found my way back to the page.
10. When I unexpectedly rencountered my stolen bike at a pawn shop, I knew I had to act fast to reclaim it.

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