Reoccur example sentences
Related (5): recur, repeat, resurface, return, recrudesce
"Reoccur" Example Sentences
1. Migraine headaches tend to reoccur at regular intervals.
2. My back pain kept reoccurring until I changed my mattress.
3. Anxiety attacks can sometimes reoccur without any obvious trigger.
4. Gastrointestinal issues often reoccur after eating certain foods.
5. Nightmares occasionally reoccur years after the traumatic event.
6. Traffic jams tend to reoccur at the same times every day during rush hour.
7. Droughts frequently reoccur in the same regions that experience year after year of low rainfall.
8. Flooding often reoccurs in areas that are prone to flash floods during heavy storms.
9. Fault lines that cause earthquakes can reoccur along the same location for thousands of years.
10. Severe winter storms frequently reoccur over a period of days due to an atmospheric pattern that remains unchanged.
11. Thefts and burglaries sometimes reoccur at homes and businesses that have been previously victimized.
12. Computer glitches that reoccur after a system restart often indicate a hardware issue.
13. Some infectious diseases that went dormant for years can reoccur later in life due to a compromised immune system.
14. Seasonal allergies tend to reoccur each year around the same time as specific pollen counts and weather conditions repeat.
15. Long-term stress often reoccurs due to recurring life situations and circumstances that trigger the distress.
16. Panic attacks can unfortunately reoccur when certain environments, people or events activate distressing memories.
17. Symptoms of illnesses such as arthritis or asthma can easily reoccur when triggers like weather changes happen again.
18. Feelings of grief and sadness often reoccur around important dates like birthdays and anniversaries after losing a loved one.
19. Arguments that reoccur in a relationship typically indicate an underlying issue that needs to be openly communicated and resolved.
20. The symptoms of menopause unfortunately tend to reoccur for the duration of the transition.
21. Many chronic conditions like hypertension and diabetes require lifelong management since the condition tends to reoccur without treatment.
22. Bad habits that were difficult to break initially can easily reoccur when you face the same triggers that caused you to form the habit.
23. To prevent outbreaks from reoccurring, doctors recommend consistently taking herpes medications even when symptoms are not present.
24. Psychiatric disorders like depression and anxiety often reoccur multiple times throughout a person's lifetime.
25. Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome tend to reoccur when individuals face triggers like stress, certain foods or changes in their routine.
26. Joint pain caused by arthritis frequently reoccurs during changes in weather, especially cold and damp conditions.
27. Complications that arise after surgery can sometimes reoccur even after being treated, requiring additional procedures.
28. Strong cravings for drugs or alcohol can easily reoccur years after sobriety when faced with triggers like people, places or things associated with past use.
29. Many autoimmune diseases unfortunately reoccur on and off throughout a person's life due to dysregulated immune function.
30. Symptoms of a respiratory infection like the common cold often reoccur within a few weeks if the underlying cause was not fully addressed.
31. Burnout and feelings of being overwhelmed at work can easily reoccur if the work pace, schedule or job duties do not truly change.
32. Stock market crashes tend to reoccur in cycles over the course of decades due to fundamental economic fluctuations.
33. Nebulous thoughts that cause anxiety have a tendency to reoccur, especially late at night and when trying to fall asleep.
34. Romantic feelings for an ex can unfortunately reoccur, even years after a breakup, if underlying emotional needs went unmet.
35. Financial difficulties often reoccur due to inadequate paychecks, excessive spending or high debt that is not fully understood and managed.
36. Conflict between coworkers can easily reoccur if the underlying miscommunication, cultural differences or competing priorities are not resolved.
37. Power outages tend to reoccur in areas that experience severe weather until electrical infrastructure can be improved and upgraded.
38. Withdrawal symptoms from quitting an addiction often reoccur during periods of high stress, loneliness or when facing strong cravings.
39. Phobias that were untreated as a child can reoccur later in life if the underlying cause of the fear was not properly addressed.
40. Symptoms of mild depression periodically reoccur, especially during times of external stressors, life transitions or major changes.
41. Technical difficulties that temporarily disrupt cellular service or internet connections frequently reoccur until the underlying issue is permanently fixed.
42.Behavioral issues in children sometimes reoccur on a regular basis until the root causes are properly identified and addressed.
43. Muscle spasms caused by injuries or overuse frequently reoccur during periods of physical inactivity, stress or hormone changes.
44. Patterns of overeating that lead to yo-yo dieting and weight gain almost always reoccur unless the underlying thought patterns and motivations are changed.
45. Computer glitches that reoccur sporadically are often difficult for IT professionals to reproduce and therefore diagnose the underlying issue.
46. Mass extinctions of species throughout Earth's history tended to reoccur every 26 million years until humans disrupted the cycle.
47. Oil spills unfortunately reoccur until regulations are put in place to require better safety precautions and response plans from the companies responsible.
48. Physical symptoms like chest pain, nausea or dizziness frequently reoccur due to health anxiety and not necessarily an underlying medical issue.
49. Major revolutions and societal upheavals tend to reoccur throughout history due to similar underlying conditions like economic stagnation, oppression and wealth inequality.
50. Feelings of sadness and grief that were never truly processed often reoccur later in life without an identifiable external cause.
51. Predictions of an impending global recession periodically reoccur as economists point to trends like high consumer debt levels, inflated asset prices and low wage growth.
52. Memories from childhood trauma or abuse unfortunately tend to reoccur, especially when faced with similar people, places or situations later in life.
53. Colds and other minor illnesses tend to quickly reoccur in children who attend daycare centers due to frequent exposure to other children's germs.
54. Political scandals unfortunately tend to reoccur due to lack of meaningful reforms that address underlying systemic issues of corruption and lack of transparency.
55. Rumors and gossip tend to reoccur quickly through social networks due to a combination of human nature and lack of firsthand knowledge of the actual facts in any given situation.
56. Religious conflicts unfortunately tend to reoccur throughout history due to a complex interplay of competing political and socioeconomic interests hidden underneath the stated theological differences.
57. Flashbacks to traumatic memories and events unfortunately tend to reoccur without warning throughout a survivor's life, triggered by sensory details like sights, sounds or smells.
58. Conspiracy theories about government cover-ups and secret societies tend to reoccur throughout history, capitalizing on human tendencies towards mistrust, paranoia and a desire for simplistic explanations for complex problems.
59. Milestones and special occasions associated with a late loved one often cause feelings of sadness and grief to reoccur years after their passing.
60. Severe weather events like hurricanes, tornados and heat waves are expected to reoccur with increased frequency and intensity as a result of long-term climate change.
Common Phases
1. The nightmares tend to reoccur every few months.
2. Pain flare-ups may reoccur years after the original injury.
3. As we were walking through the garden, the stomachache reoccurred.
4. The same annoying squeaking sound seems to reoccur every time I start the car.
5. Back pain tends to reoccur over time if the cause is not addressed.
6. His headaches reoccur whenever he eats certain foods.
7. Stress-related ailments often reoccur during busy times of the year.
8. Unfortunately, depression tends to reoccur, so continued treatment is important.
9. The same arguments keep reoccurring between us.
10. Phobias that seem to vanish may reoccur when triggered again.
11. Every time I return to that house, the bad memories reoccur.
12. A cough can reoccur after it had seemingly gone away.
13. Traffic jams seem to reoccur at the same time every day.
14. As the anniversary of his death approached, her sadness would reoccur.
15. After his divorce, the feelings of loss tended to reoccur every weekend.
16. Her tendency to behave irrationally kept reoccurring in all her relationships.
17. Parties often reoccurred at his house on weekends during the school year.
18. Power outages seem to reoccur following every storm.
19. Glitches in the software kept reoccurring despite patches and updates.
20. The reoccurring pattern bothered him, though he couldn't explain why.
21. The episodes kept reoccurring, leaving her drained and exhausted.
22. The financial difficulties reoccurred each time she overspent.
23. Reoccurring problems in their marriage led to couples counseling.
24. Her fears kept reoccurring throughout her pregnancy.
25. Seasonal allergies tend to reoccur each spring.
26. Technical issues with equipment seem to reoccur whenever we need it most.
27. No matter what he tried, the pain kept reoccurring.
28. Communicating seemed to reoccur as the central issue in their arguments.
29. Anxiety attacks tended to reoccur whenever she attended large gatherings.
30. Forgetting what day it is kept reoccurring, a sign of his early dementia.
31. Each time they relocated, the fights would reoccur.
32. The motion sickness tended to reoccur each time she rode in the car.
33. The night terrors kept reoccurring, waking him in a panic several times a week.
34. The sense of dread tended to reoccur on weekends when I had no plans.
35. Complications with the plumbing kept reoccurring until the lines were replaced.
36. Her insecurity tended to reoccur in most of her relationships.
37. Their daughter's behavioral issues kept reoccurring despite discipline and therapy.
38. The printer kept malfunctioning in the same way, the issues reoccurring monthly.
39. Migraines tend to reoccur until the trigger is finally identified and addressed.
40. Tax refunds seemed to reoccur each year despite his efforts to avoid overpayment.
41. Eye floaters have a tendency to reoccur over time.
42. Technical glitches kept reoccurring during the live broadcast.
43. Forgetting people's names kept reoccurring, a symptom of cognitive decline.
44. Problems with the loan application kept reoccurring until they contacted a lawyer.
45. Issues with the central air conditioning kept reoccurring until the whole system was replaced.
46. Miscommunications seemed to reoccur resulting in the same misunderstandings.
47. Financial difficulties tended to reoccur each winter when work slowed down.
48. Errors in the spreadsheet kept reoccurring no matter how carefully she checked it.
49. Forgetting appointments tended to reoccur, causing him stress and embarrassment.
50. Misunderstandings between them kept reoccurring because they refused to discuss it.
51. Stomach issues tended to reoccur whenever he ate spicy foods.
52. Technical glitches with the website kept reoccurring nearly every day.
53. Seizures may reoccur months or even years after a diagnosis.
54. Plot holes and inconsistencies kept reoccurring in the lazy writing.
55. The notion kept reoccurring that he had forgotten something important.
56. Power surges tended to reoccur, damaging sensitive electronics.
57. Repetitive strain injuries tend to reoccur if poor posture and technique are not corrected.
58. Electrical shorts seemed to reoccur in the aged wiring of the house.
59. Confrontations between them tended to reoccur whenever she drank too much.
60. The accident has a tendency to reoccur in my nightmares.