Repays example sentences

Related (5): Compensates, refunds, reimburses, settles, satisfies.

"Repays" Example Sentences

1. Hard work always repays in the end.
2. She hopes that her dedication towards her career repays one day.
3. The smile on his face repays all the efforts put in by his parents.
4. The feeling of satisfaction repays all the pain.
5. The investment in a good education always repays handsomely.
6. Kindness always repays with kindness.
7. The gratitude shown by the recipient of the gift repays the gifter.
8. To live a meaningful life that repays one's existence on earth.
9. He believed in the concept of "good karma" repaying him in the future.
10. The hard-earned money repays the hours of labor.
11. He hopes his success as an author someday repays his family's sacrifices.
12. The smile of appreciation from those she helped repays her struggles.
13. The ripened fruits of his labor repays his patience.
14. She hopes to have a career which repays her debts to her family.
15. His dedication to his goals repays him with success.
16. He spent years building the business, and now it repays him with profits.
17. The satisfaction of knowing the truth repays the pain of the process.
18. A mistake can be rectified if the person repays it apologetically.
19. She donates to charity regularly, hoping it repays in societal wellbeing.
20. He feels that helping others always repays double in the long run.
21. To respect elders is to acknowledge their contributions and repays back as an attribute of harmony.
22. The satisfaction of being kind always repays with a peaceful mind.
23. A good karma always repays with a better future.
24. She hopes to lead a life that repays the sacrifices made by her ancestors.
25. A debt always repays with expectations of faith, loyalty, and honor.
26. Giving alms to the poor always repays in divine blessings.
27. His loyal service always repays with more duties and responsibilities.
28. She hopes to repay her good fortune by repaying the kindness she received.
29. At times, we may have to overwork, but it always repays with benefits in the future.
30. A good reputation always repays with the confidence of others.

Common Phases

1. He repays his debts promptly.
2. She always repays kindness with kindness.
3. The company promises to repay shareholders.
4. We must ensure that we repay our loans on time.
5. The charity aims to repay the generosity of its donors.
6. He hopes to repay his parents for all their support.
7. The government is obligated to repay its debts to other countries.
8. The borrower has a responsibility to repay the lender.
9. The athlete says he feels a need to repay his fans for their support.
10. The employee is grateful to her boss and wants to repay her trust.

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