Repeat example sentences

Related (8): reiteration, duplication, recurrence, redundancy, replication, loop, playback, reiteration

"Repeat" Example Sentences

1. Please repeat what you just said, I didn't quite hear you.
2. The student was told to repeat the grade after failing the exam.
3. Customers were asked to repeat the same information to multiple employees.
4. The offender was ordered to repeat the crime prevention course.
5. You are likely to repeat the same mistakes if you don't learn from them.
6. The comedian had to repeat several of the jokes for the audience's benefit.
7. The doctor advised him to repeat the medical tests to confirm the diagnosis.
8. The flight attendant gave the safety instructions and then had to repeat them.
9. The software bug caused the same error message to repeat over and over.
10. The actor had to repeat several scenes to get them just right.
11. The teacher made the student repeat the steps of the math problem.
12. The parrot repeated the same words it heard the family saying.
13. Each class has to repeat all the labs for every new term.
14. Please repeat the numbers more slowly for accuracy.
15. The witness was asked to repeat his testimony for clarity.
16. You have my permission to repeat verbatim what I said in the meeting.
17. The stretching exercises need to be repeated daily for several weeks.
18. The TV cooking show host repeated the recipe instructions twice.
19. The P.E. coach made the running group repeat the same distance.
20. The record is stuck, keep repeating the same song over and over.
21. If you don't understand, please tell me so I can repeat the explanation.
22. The interviewer made him repeat the same answer several times.
23. We will have to repeat the science experiment to confirm the results.
24. She repeated every word he said just to annoy him.
25. The athlete had to repeat his training regimen after getting injured.
26. The child giggled every time I repeated the same joke.
27. Don't worry about asking me to repeat something, I don't mind at all.
28. The military sergeant ordered the privates to repeat the same set of exercises.
29. The pattern repeats itself over and over again on the rug.
30. The pianists had to repeat the same piece of music many times until they got it right.
31. I repeat the major points of the lecture to help me remember them.
32. Please repeat this procedure daily for best results.
33. The rolling papers kept folding and I had to repeat rolling the joint.
34. Make sure you repeat the safety precautions to the other team members.
35. You're welcome to repeat as much of my cooking instructions as you'd like.
36. Please repeat your order as I apologize for my mistake the first time.
37. The physical therapist advised the patient to repeat specific exercises daily.
38. The secretary had to repeat everything written down to make sure it was correct.
39. Please repeat the steps back to me to confirm your understanding.
40. I must repeat the sermon to fully grasp the deeper meaning.
41. We now return to our regularly scheduled program already in progress.
42. The routine kept repeating in my head all night long.
43. The history teacher made the students repeat key dates to reinforce learning.
44. I had to repeat my concerns multiple times before I was finally heard.
45. The glitch caused the machine to repeat the same faulty cycle again and again.
46. Let's repeat the same trip next year, I had such a great time with you!
47. The tortoise kept retracing the same steps, repeatedly walking in circles.
48. The hallucinations made him repeat the same actions over and over.
49. The washing machine began to repeat the same cycle after the power outage.
50. His words kept replaying in my mind, making me repeat them to myself.
51. The soldier had to repeat practicing the same drills until he got it right.
52. The annoying song kept repeating in my dreams all night long.
53. The physical therapy exercises must be repeated daily for several weeks.
54. Please repeat your inquiry so I may better assist you.
55. The military sergeant ordered the cadets to repeat their formations again and again.
56. I had to repeat revising the same lessons more than once to master the material.
57. The echo kept repeating whatever I said back at me.
58. The priest repeated the passage several times to emphasis its importance.
59. The annoying alarm clock kept repeating its shrill beeping noise.
60. The drummers had to repeat practicing the same beats over and over to get in sync.

Common Phases

1. Please repeat that. I didn't quite hear you.
2. The teacher asked the student to repeat the answer.
3. Don't repeat the same mistake again.
4. The alarm kept repeating the same annoying beep every few seconds.
5. I asked her to repeat her order so I could get it correct.
6. I had to repeat the instructions two or three times before he understood.
7. The radio DJ asked listeners to stop calling in and requesting that same song on repeat.
8. We often find ourselves making and then repeating the same errors.
9. She refused to repeat her answer to the rude question.
10. The mantra helped her repeat positive affirmations to herself.
11. I washed my hair twice to make sure I eliminated all the shampoo and conditioner and didn't have to repeat the process.
12. The catchy beat made me want to replay and repeat the song over and over.
13. They had to repeat the experiment multiple times to ensure the results were accurate.
14. The newborn's cry would repeat every two or three hours.
15. The teacher made the student repeat the problem step by step to make sure they understood the process.
16. The broken record kept repeating the same phrase.
17. I asked her to repeat herself because I did not hear her clearly the first time.
18. His story kept repeating itself in his dreams at night.
19. We repeated the tests to confirm our initial findings.
20. I had to repeat the instructions several times for them to sink in.
21. The commercial played on repeat at the gym.
22. History seems destined to repeat itself, despite our best efforts.
23. Do not repeat that offensive remark.
24. The basketball player repeated shooting drills to perfect his form.
25. The record was stuck, repeating the same part of the song over and over.
26. Please do not repeat that rumor.
27. I repeated the mantra each morning when I woke up.
28. I tend to repeat myself when I'm nervous.
29. I repeated the recipe three times before I felt I had it memorized properly.
30. She kept repeating herself, saying the same thing over and over in different ways.
31. I forgot my lines and had to have my partner repeat them for me again.
32. I felt the concept needed repeating, so I explained it in a different way.
33. To improve, we must repeat our workout routines daily.
34. Tragedies often repeat themselves across generations.
35. I asked him to repeat his name because I misheard him.
36. Be wary of repeating the same mistakes.
37. I repeated the words in my head until they finally sunk in.
38. To master a skill, you must repeat it hundreds or even thousands of times.
39. Don't just repeat what I say - think for yourself.
40. The parrot kept repeating everything it heard.
41. When teaching a child to speak, you often need to repeat words multiple times.
42. Sadly, humans seem destined to repeat the mistakes of the past.
43. He often repeats stories that he has told before.
44. We repeated the measurements twice to ensure accuracy.
45. The broken record kept repeating the same phrase over and over.
46. I don't want to repeat myself, but please be careful.
47. Life seems to be an endless cycle of repeating mistakes and learning from them.
48. You made the same mistake before; are you going to repeat it again?
49. The catchy song got stuck in my head, repeating constantly.
50. We repeated the same exercise for hours until we mastered the technique.
51. Do not repeat harmful rumors.
52. He repeated the lyrics to himself as he walked down the street.
53. She asked me to repeat my request because she did not understand it the first time.
54. The catchy song was playing on repeat in the other room.
55. I don't want to repeat myself, but please close the door when you leave the house.
56. Let's repeat the experiment to confirm our hypothesis.
57. His jokes tend to repeat and recycle the same punchlines.
58. I tend to repeat words and phrases when I'm nervous.
59. The siren kept repeating its dreadful pulse over and over again.
60. Children sometimes need to hear instructions repeated a few times before following them.

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