Replevy example sentences
Related (9): replevin, reclaim, rescue, retrieve, recover, repossess, regain, redeem, reacquire
verb law
replevy (verb) · replevies (third person present) · replevied (past tense) · replevied (past participle) · replevying (present participle)
- recover (seized goods) by replevin:
retrieve, recoup, reclaim, repossess, recapture, retake, redeem, trace, replevin, recuperate, lose"Replevy" Example Sentences
1. The sheriff replevied the debtor's truck and seized it for the creditor to satisfy the outstanding debt.
2. The accused man had to pay bail in order to replevy his freedom from jail.
3. The customer paid the outstanding invoice in order to replevy the television that had been seized.
4. The defendant paid the replevy bond to get his impounded vehicle back from the police.
5. The court issued a writ of replevin allowing the plaintiff to replevy the disputed property from the defendant's possession.
6. After discussing the matter with their lawyers, both parties agreed on a replevy amount that would allow the disputed goods to be temporarily released.
7. The bank replevied the repossessed cars after the debtor agreed to make good on his arrears.
8. The accused criminal had to post replevy bond in order to get out of jail while awaiting trial.
9. The defendant did not have enough money to immediately replevy the seized assets so his lawyer asked the judge for more time.
10. The plaintiff filed a replevin action in an attempt to replevy the disputed property from the defendant's control.
11. The judge ordered the sheriff to deliver the seized farm equipment back to the owner upon the payment of a replevy bond.
12. She paid the replevy amount required by the court in order to get her car back from the impound lot.
13. The debtor went to court to contest the creditor's attempt to replevy his tractor for failure to pay off the loan.
14. The defendant could not replevy the impounded vehicle until all outstanding fines and fees were paid in full.
15. The promissory note stated that in the event of default, the lender had the right to replevy the collateral pledged as security.
16. The plaintiff sought a court order requiring the defendant to return the disputed property or pay its value if unable to replevy it.
17. The law allowed the accused the right to replevy their freedom from jail by posting sufficient bail.
18. The replevin action sought the return of the plaintiff's property as well as damages for its unlawful detention by the defendant.
19. The court determined the amount the defendant needed to post as replevy bond in order to retrieve his vehicle from the towing company.
20. After paying the required replevy amount, the defendant was able to get his vehicle back from the police impound lot.
21. The council replevied the illegally parked vehicle from the street and relocated it to an impound lot.
22. The plaintiff filed a suit for replevin of the automobile along with damages for its unlawful detention by the defendant.
23. The defendant failed to post the replevy bond within the allotted time frame so the property remained in the plaintiff's possession.
24. The court ordered the seized vehicle be replevied back to the suspect upon the posting of a $5,000 bond.
25. After winning the replevin action, the plaintiff was able to retrieve the disputed property from the defendant.
26. The defendant filed a counterclaim alleging that the plaintiff did not have the right to replevy the disputed assets.
27. The bank replevied the debtor's car after he stopped making payments on the auto loan.
28. The landlord had to file a replevin action in order to replevy the tenant's unpaid storage unit and its contents.
29. The defendant posted the replevy bond within the time frame set by the court, allowing him to regain control of the property.
30. His lawyer advised him that failing to replevy the vehicle within the legal limit would result in its being sold at auction.
31. The contract stipulated that upon default the secured party had the right to peacefully replevy the collateral.
32. The case involved disputes over which party had the superior claim to the property and hence the legal right to replevy it.
33. The court ordered the defendant to either return the disputed property or pay a sum equal to the value needed to replevy it.
34. After being released on replevy bond, the suspect awaited trial from home rather than from jail.
35. The defendant argued that the case should be dismissed due to the plaintiff's failure to properly serve him with a writ of replevin.
36. Under duress, the defendant agreed to pay an amount for the plaintiff to replevy the seized goods in exchange for halting legal proceedings.
37. The plaintiff sought a writ of replevin empowering the sheriff to seize the disputed property from the defendant and turn it over.
38. The auto repairs shop would not release the customer's vehicle until he paid the bill in full so he could replevy it.
39. The property owner was finally able to replevy his boat from the marina after paying off all outstanding fees and fines.
40. The amount necessary to replevy the vehicle pending trial was set at $2,500 cash bond or $25,000 surety bond.
41. The agreement allowed either party to terminate the contract on 30 days' notice, with the terminating party surrendering any right to replevy assets purchased under the contract.
42. The bank replevied the farm equipment it had financed after the farmer defaulted on his loan payments.
43. Despite his protests, the suspect could not replevy his belongings from the evidence room until after his trial was over.
44. Both parties served writs of replevin on each other, each claiming the right to replevy the disputed assets.
45. His lawyer filed an emergency motion to reduce the replevy bond amount so his client could regain freedom from jail.
46. The landlord had to initiate a replevin action in order to replevy the tenant's unpaid storage unit and its contents.
47. She replevied the car from the police impound lot after posting the required bond amount with the court.
48. The police requested that the judge set a high replevy bond for the accused criminal due to the seriousness of the charges.
49. The plaintiff replevied the disputed tractor from the defendant’s farm and relocated it to their own property.
50. The accused man could not replevy his freedom until after he posted the required bail amount set by the judge.
51. Despite his objections, the creditor was able to replevy the debtor's car after he defaulted on his loan payments.
52. The defendant's lawyer advised him that failure to replevy the property before the hearing would result in its forfeiture.
53. The defendant filed a counterclaim alleging that the plaintiff did not have the legal right to replevy the disputed property.
54. The bondswoman posted the required replevy amount on behalf of her client, allowing him to regain his freedom pending trial.
55. The court ordered that the defendant's vehicle be returned to him immediately upon payment of the replevy bond amount.
56. The customer paid the outstanding balance in full in order to replevy her impounded vehicle from the towing company.
57. Despite the defendant's objections, the court ordered he surrender the disputed property in order to allow the plaintiff to replevy it.
58. The landlord filed a replevin action against his tenant in order to replevy unpaid storage units and their contents.
59. After paying the replevy bond, the accused man regained his freedom but had to abide by the conditions of his bail.
60. The defendant could either return the disputed property or pay its value to the plaintiff within 10 days or risk losing the case for replevin.
Common Phases
1. Replevy bond: A sum of money required by a court before releasing property in a replevin action to the party seeking its return.
2. Writ of replevin: A court order authorizing the seizure and return of goods or property wrongfully taken or withheld from their rightful owner.
3. Action for replevin: A lawsuit seeking the return of property unlawfully taken from its rightful owner by the defendant.
4. Legal right to replevy: Possessing a justified claim of ownership or entitlement to property sought in a replevin action.
5. Unable to replevy: Not having the means to post a replevy bond or pay the court-ordered sum required to regain property seized in a replevin action.
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