Represses example sentences
represses (third person present)
- subdue (someone or something) by force:
- restrain, prevent, or inhibit (the expression or development of something):
- suppress (a thought, feeling, or desire) in oneself so that it becomes or remains unconscious:
- prevent the transcription of (a gene).
suppress, quell, quash, subdue, crush, squash, extinguish, stop, end, defeat, conquer, rout, overpower, overwhelm, trounce, vanquish, contain, squelch, oppress, subjugate, dominate, intimidate, master, tyrannize, subject, overcome, restrain, suppress, check, control, curb, contain, silence, muffle, stifle, smother, swallow, strangle, gag, conceal, hide, inhibit, frustrate, release, express"Represses" Example Sentences
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