"Reproof" Example Sentences
1. The teacher's reproof caused the students to behave better.
2. The harsh reproof hurt the student's feelings.
3. The coach gave the players a stern reproof for missing so many practice sessions.
4. Her parents gave her a sharp reproof for breaking her curfew.
5. The elder's gentle reproof helped the child see the error of his ways.
6. The stern reproof sobered the misbehaving young men.
7. The soldier accepted the officer's reproof with humility.
8. His friend's gentle reproof made him realize he had been acting foolishly.
9. The preacher's mild reproof convinced the sinner of the wrongness of his actions.
10. The manager's angry reproof silenced the argumentative employees.
11. The judge's stern reproof shamed the convict into mending his ways.
12. The teacher's loving reproof helped the struggling student improve.
13. The parent's scolding reproof brought tears to the child's eyes.
14. The critic's harsh reproof wounded the author's pride.
15. The boss's mild reproof motivated the worker to improve.
16. The wife's gentle reproof made her husband realize how his actions were affecting their children.
17. The teacher's stern reproof left no doubt in the misbehaving student's mind that his behavior was unacceptable.
18. The mentor's wise reproof helped the protégé learn from his mistakes.
19. The harsh reproof stung the girl's heart and made her question herself.
20. The reproof was so stern it brought the mischievous boy to tears.
21. The professor's stern reproof caused the student to doubt his academic abilities.
22. Her friend's gentle reproof helped her see how her self-destructive behavior was alienating others.
23. The minister's mild reproof convinced the sinner of the error of her ways.
24. Their peer's sharp reproof made the young friends realize how immature they had been acting.
25. The king's harsh reproof shamed the unruly prince into behaving properly.
26. The servant accepted his master's sharp reproof with humility and resolve to improve.
27. The supervisor's gentle reproof motivated the worker to do better in the future.
28. The doctor's stern reproof convinced the stubborn patient to comply with his treatment regimen.
29. The mentor's wise reproof strengthened the protégé's resolve to succeed.
30. His friend's mild reproof convinced him to make wiser choices going forward.
31. The harsh reproof silenced the complaining employee and stilled his tongue.
32. The mother's stern reproof sobered the misbehaving children.
33. The coach's sharp reproof motivated the athletes to train harder.
34. His brother's gentle reproof helped him see the error of his ways.
35. The elder's wise reproof guided the younger one toward a more virtuous life.
36. The judge's stern reproof shamed the guilty defendant.
37. The teacher's mild reproof corrected the misbehaving student's behavior.
38. The partner's gentle reproof strengthened their relationship through honest communication.
39. The mentor's wise counsel and reproof directed the mentee toward true wisdom.
40. The lawmaker's stern reproof shamed the lobbyist into more ethical practices.
41. The judge's angry reproof left no doubt that the criminal had acted most reprehensibly.
42. The boss's harsh reproof silenced the complaining worker.
43. The lecturer's sharp reproof awakened the drowsy student to the seriousness of the matter at hand.
44. The senior priest's stern reproof reprimanded the young monk for his careless behavior.
45. His wife's gentle reproof reminded him of the values they had sought to instill in their children.
46. The captain's sharp reproof motivated the disobedient sailors to follow orders.
47. The teacher's angry reproof shocked the misbehaving students into silence.
48. Her mother's stern reproof sobered the joyful girl and reminded her of her duties.
49. Her peer's wise reproof strengthened her resolve to change her self-destructive habits.
50. The mentor's gentle reproof guided the protégé toward wisdom and virtue.
51. The judge's stern reproof sentenced the guilty man to years of reform and reflection.
52. Her father's sharp reproof awakened the girl's conscience to the error of her ways.
53. The teacher's mild reproof corrected the child's disruptive behavior.
54. The coach's angry reproof silenced the complaining athlete.
55. The stranger's gentle reproof convinced the doubting man of the truth.
56. The mother's harsh reproof caused the child much sorrow and reflection.
57. The general's stern reproof shamed the disobedient soldier into compliance.
58. Her friend's wise reproof helped her see the wisdom in moderating her behavior.
59. The mentor's stern reproof strengthened the protégé's character and resolve.
60. Their peers' mild reproof made them realize they had behaved foolishly.
Common Phases
1. His stern
reproof made me realize my mistake.
2. The mother gave her son a sharp
reproof for misbehaving.
3. She ignored his harsh
reproof and continued to speak her mind freely.
4. The teacher gently reproved the child for bullying the other students.
5. The harsh
reproof caused him to hang his head in shame.
6. After some
reproof, I finally understood my error.
7. His harsh
reproof stung like a slap to the face.
8. She listened to the
reproof in silence, acknowledging its truth.
9. He gave the dog a firm
reproof for tearing up the pillows.
10. I gave him a gentle
reproof for talking in class.
11. The scolding
reproof woke me from my daydreaming.
12. His look of disappointed
reproof cut me to the quick.
13. The coach's stern
reproof motivated the underperforming player.
14. The boss's angry
reproof made the employee ashamed of his carelessness.
15. I accepted her mild
reproof with good grace.
16. His gentle
reproof brought me to my senses.
17. The teacher's stern
reproof silenced the noisy class.
18. The judge's stern
reproof made the defendant realize the severity of his crime.
19. Her calm yet firm
reproof caused me to reflect on my poor behaviour.
20. I gave my son a stern
reproof for lying to me.
21. His mild yet firm
reproof caused her to mend her ways.
22. She accepted my gentle
reproof with a smile and a nod of acknowledgment.
23. His fierce
reproof caused me to leave the room in tears.
24. Her patient
reproof reminded me of the moral principles that I had ignored.
25. The king issued a harsh
reproof to his bumbling minister.
26. The boss's solemn
reproof made me reflect on my work ethic.
27. The teacher's calm yet firm
reproof silenced the noisy classroom.
28. The gentle
reproof from my parents helped me realize my mistake.
29. She listened with downcast eyes to the firm yet thoughtful
30. Her
reproof felt like a slap in the face, so harsh and undeserved.
31. His biting
reproof stung me to the core.
32. I gave my brother a stern
reproof for mistreating his dog.
33. She accepted my mild yet thoughtful
reproof with a graceful nod.
34. His firm yet polite
reproof caused her to reflect on her actions.
35. The stern
reproof from his father caused the child to burst into tears.
36. The boss's angry
reproof made the employee want to crawl under a rock in shame.
37. The mentor's wise yet firm
reproof helped me learn an important lesson.
38. The exasperated
reproof from my mother finally made me see reason.
39. Her sharp
reproof ruined my good mood.
40. His
reproof fell like sledgehammers on my ears.
41. The old teacher's patient
reproof helped me realize my naivete.
42. Her biting
reproof left me red-faced and mortified.
43. Her calm yet firm
reproof made me reflect on my selfish behavior.
44. Her gentle yet firm
reproof caused him to mend his ways.
45. The mentor's thoughtful
reproof helped guide me onto the right path.
46. His sharp
reproof caused me to fall silent with embarrassed shame.
47. His gentle
reproof reminded me of the moral principles I had forgotten.
48. Her patient
reproof taught me an important lesson in humility.
49. The manager's stern
reproof motivated his underperforming employees.
50. Her calm yet firm
reproof caused me to reflect deeply on my poor behavior.
51. The father's strict yet thoughtful
reproof caused his son to mend his ways.
52. The teacher's wise yet firm
reproof helped me realize my error and grow as a student.
53. The mentor's patient
reproof helped guide me onto a better path.
54. Her calm yet firm
reproof caused me to reevaluate my actions.
55. My parents' gentle
reproof helped me realize my mistake and grow as a person.
56. His biting
reproof caused me to retreat in wounded silence.
57. The mentor's thoughtful
reproof helped me see another side to the issue.
58. The firm yet wise
reproof helped me realize the error of my ways.
59. Her calm
reproof helped me see the flaws in my reasoning.
60. His sharp
reproof wounded my pride but helped me learn an important lesson.