Reputationrelated example sentences

Related (10): credibility, image, standing, perception, status, renown, esteem, notoriety, prestige, repute

"Reputationrelated" Example Sentences

1. The company has a good reputation for customer service.
2. The businessman has a spotless reputation in the community.
3. Her reputation as a hard worker preceded her.
4. The scandal badly damaged his once spotless reputation.
5. His reputation for honesty is well deserved.
6. The restaurant has earned a good reputation over the years.
7. The university has a reputation for academic excellence.
8. The politician's reputation suffered after the scandal broke.
9. The doctor has an excellent reputation among her patients.
10. Her reputation as a troublemaker followed her to high school.
11. The hotel has earned a positive reputation through excellence in service.
12. His reputation for kindness is well known.
13. The lawyer has built a solid reputation over the past two decades.
14. His reputation as a wise teacher spread far and wide.
15. The club had a bad reputation in the community.
16. The store's poor reputation for customer service preceded its opening.
17. The police chief worked hard to improve the department's reputation.
18. His reputation for honesty and integrity is unmatched.
19. The charity has a spotless reputation for good governance.
20. The author's latest book damaged her once stellar reputation.
21. The gossip badly damaged his spotless reputation.
22. The suspect's reputation for criminal behavior preceded him.
23. The scandal tarnished the company's previously stellar reputation.
24. Her untarnished reputation is her most valuable asset.
25. The city has a bad reputation for crime and violence.
26. The singer's bad reputation for temper tantrums followed her on tour.
27. The player's reputation for sportsmanship is exemplary.
28. His unsavory past threatened to destroy his growing public reputation.
29. The college has an international reputation for excellence.
30. The resort has a sterling reputation for service and ambiance.
31. The businesswoman has built a sterling reputation over many years.
32. The CEO worked hard to improve the company's tarnished reputation.
33. His reputation for hard work and integrity is unimpeachable.
34. The company enjoys an excellent reputation among customers and shareholders.
35. The treatment facility has a poor reputation for actually helping patients.
36. The company's positive reputation in the community suffered after the spill.
37. The professor's excellent reputation preceded her arrival at the university.
38. His misdeeds severely damaged his previously flawless reputation.
39. The scandal badly tarnished her previously spotless reputation.
40. Her reputation as a troublemaker quickly spread through the office.
41. The journalist has built a solid reputation for accuracy and fairness.
42. The charity has an excellent reputation for helping those in need.
43. The company enjoys a stellar reputation for quality and service.
44. The law firm had built a solid reputation over many decades of service.
45. Her unsavory past threatened to damage her growing public reputation.
46. The politician's reputation for honesty and integrity is unparalleled.
47. The players fought to improve the team's poor reputation.
48. The team has worked hard to build a positive reputation in the league.
49. The hotel has earned an excellent reputation through exemplary service.
50. The detective's reputation for solving difficult cases preceded him.
51. The university enjoyed an excellent international reputation for research.
52. The charity worked hard to rebuild its reputation after the scandal.
53. The lawyer's reputation for cunning and ruthlessness preceded him.
54. The product's poor reputation led to declining sales.
55. The city has built a reputation as a tourist destination.
56. The band's bad reputation for rowdy behavior preceded their arrival.
57. Her growing public reputation threatened to expose her secret past.
58. The team fought to improve its poor reputation for sportsmanship.
59. The city worked to improve its negative reputation for crime and violence.
60. The salon has earned an excellent reputation through quality service.

Common Phases

1. Leave a bad impression/reputation - create a negative perception of oneself.
Example: His rude comments left a bad impression with the client.
2. Build a reputation - establish a particular perception of oneself over time.
Example: The firm built a reputation for superior customer service.
3. Good reputation - favorable perception amongst others.
Example: The company has a good reputation in the community.
4. Bad reputation - unfavorable perception amongst others.
Example: The thief had a bad reputation with the police.
5. Besmirch one's reputation - damage one's good name or standing.
Example: The accusations besmirched his formerly spotless reputation.
6. Further one's reputation - enhance one's perceived standing.
Example: The promotion will further her reputation in the industry.
7. Make a name/reputation for oneself - become known or famous for something.
Example: She made a name for herself as a pioneering scientist.
8. Sullied reputation - damaged good standing or name.
Example: The scandal left her with a sullied reputation.
9. Stellar reputation - extremely high regard.
Example: The company has a stellar reputation for quality products.
10. Spotless reputation - unblemished good name.
Example: He had a spotless reputation until the scandal broke.
11. Tarnish one's reputation - damage one's good name or standing.
Example: The affair threatened to tarnish his previously spotless reputation.
12. Unparalleled reputation - peerless good standing or perception.
Example: The school had an unparalleled reputation for academic excellence.
13. Upstanding reputation - notable for integrity and honesty.
Example: He had an upstanding reputation in the community.
14. Widespread reputation - recognition that extends over a large area.
Example: The singer had a widespread reputation as a talented performer.

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