"Requite" Example Sentences
1. He requited my kindness with hatred.
2. The flowers requite their Creator by blooming brightly.
3. I shall requite you for your treachery.
4. She strove to requite him for his courtesy.
5. You will never requite my love, no matter how hard you try.
6. The children requited their mother's love with gratitude and affection.
7. She longed for someone to requite her love.
8. I seek not to requite your charity but to pass it on.
9. The veteran soldier sought only to be requited with a peaceful retirement.
10. My trust was ill requited with scorn and betrayal.
11. Her kindness was ill requited with ingratitude.
12. His generosity was poorly requited by their selfishness.
13. The favor I did you remains as yet unrequited.
14. My forbearance seemed only to whet their appetite for wrongdoing without requital.
15. The nobleman sought to requite his servant with great reward.
16. The knight endeavored to requite his liege lord with lifelong loyalty and valor.
17. You will requite all good deeds a hundredfold, and all evil a hundred times over.
18. I shall requite my debt to you as soon as possible.
19. He struggled to requite his parents for all they had given him.
20. Her patience would be richly requited in time.
21. We will finally requite those who have wronged us for so long.
22. My sacrifice was requited with your forgiveness.
23. Your service will be requited in heaven, if not on earth.
24. My gift remained eternally unrequited.
25. He feared his love would never be requited.
26. Her kindness remained long unrequited.
27. Her hard labor would soon be requited with victory.
28. The trembling refugee longed only to requite his savior's charity.
29. Their struggle would be requited by future generations.
30. My hopes were cruelly requited by failure and disappointment.
31. Our endurance of hardship will be richly requited at last.
32. The child sought to requite his parents with years of happiness.
33. Her patience and forbearance were finally requited with success.
34. They sought to requite her generosity by living up to her praise.
35. The student endeavored to requite his teacher's wisdom with an open mind.
36. The knight vowed to requite his feudal lord with lifelong fealty.
37. Their cruelty shall be requited tenfold!
38. Her kindness remained eternally unrequited.
39. His patience remained eternally unrequited.
40. My loyalty shall one day be richly requited.
41. The slave longed for freedom to requite his master's mercy.
42. Our labor will be richly requited in heaven.
43. Her patience shall be requited with joy.
44. His loyalty will be requited with betrayal.
45. The innocent prisoner longed for freedom to requite his rescuer.
46. Their falsehoods shall be eternally requited by truth.
47. Their cowardice shall be requited by courage.
48. My generosity remains eternally unrequited.
49. Our poverty shall be requited by prosperity.
50. Hope remains unrequited by certainty.
51. Her endurance shall at last be requited by victory.
52. The martyr's sacrifice shall be eternally requited by remembrance.
53. The tyrant's cruelty shall be richly requited by justice.
54. My forbearance has gone eternally unrequited.
55. Truth shall at last be requited by wisdom.
56. Their cruelty shall be requited by mercy.
57. My honesty remains eternally unrequited by trust.
58. Love shall at last be requited by love eternal.
59. The beggar longed for freedom to requite his benefactor's charity.
60. Cruelty will be eternally requited by suffering.
Common Phases
1. Ill
requite - To
requite badly or inadequately
Requite in kind - To respond similarly; an eye for an eye
3. Richly
requite - To reward abundantly
Requite with interest - To repay with extra benefits
5. Eternally un
requited - Never
requited or rewarded
Requite a debt - Pay back what is owed
Requite love - Return or repay love
Requite a kindness - Return or repay kindness
Requite a favor - Pay back or return a favor
Requite generosity - Reciprocate or reward generosity
Requite loyalty - Reward or repay loyalty
Requite patience - Compensate for or reward patience