Rerouted example sentences
Related (4): Re-routed, redirected, diverted, detoured.
"Rerouted" Example Sentences
1. The flight had to be rerouted due to bad weather.
2. Traffic was rerouted around the accident scene.
3. The parade route had to be rerouted due to construction.
4. Power lines were rerouted to avoid damage during construction.
5. The road was temporarily rerouted during the bridge repairs.
6. The pipe had to be rerouted after hitting an obstruction.
7. The hikers had to reroute their trail due to a wildfire.
8. Water flow was rerouted to avoid flooding the building.
9. Natural gas lines were rerouted through a new corridor.
10. The gas main had to be rerouted to avoid damaging the foundation.
11. The marching band's route was rerouted around the construction area.
12. The long caravan had to be rerouted after a truck broke down.
13. The pipeline had to be rerouted around a newly discovered fault line.
14. The power line was rerouted to avoid interference with communication signals.
15. Steam pipes were rerouted to improve efficiency.
16. Cell phone signals had to be rerouted after the tower was hit by lightning.
17. Call volume had to be rerouted to another center during the outage.
18. Internet traffic was rerouted through less congested servers.
19. Electricity was rerouted to different circuits during repairs.
20. Train schedules had to be rerouted due to track damage.
21. The company rerouted shipping lanes to avoid pirates.
22. The marathon's course had to be rerouted at the last minute.
23. Internet cables were rerouted under less congested roadways.
24. Communications were rerouted to backup servers during maintenance.
25. Ships were rerouted around the storm system.
26. Life support was rerouted to the backup generator.
27. Emergency oxygen was rerouted to the crash site.
28. Passenger traffic had to be rerouted to alternate terminals.
29. Sewer lines had to be rerouted around newly discovered bedrock.
30. The irrigation ditch had to be rerouted to avoid encroaching on the neighbor's land.
31. The hot air balloon had to be rerouted due to high winds.
32. The water main had to be rerouted to avoid tree roots.
33. The hiking trail was temporarily rerouted around the washed out section of the path.
34. Phone lines were rerouted after high winds took down wires.
35. The army convoy had to be rerouted after hitting an IED.
36. Team members were rerouted to higher priority projects.
37. Air traffic had to be rerouted after the tower lost power.
38. Oil pipelines were rerouted around protected natural areas.
39. Electricity was rerouted to keep critical systems online during the blackout.
40. The stream was rerouted into a new channel after the beaver dam burst.
41. Production was rerouted to the backup factory after the fire.
42. The power was rerouted from a different circuit breaker temporarily.
43. Traffic was rerouted around the collapsed overpass.
44. Data was rerouted through backup servers during the system upgrade.
45. Sandbags had to be rerouted to stop a different section of the floodwall from collapsing.
46. Communications had to be rerouted to avoid interference.
47. Natural gas lines were rerouted to avoid protected wetlands.
48. Water was rerouted to irrigate a different part of the field.
49. The water main had to be rerouted around tree roots damaging the pipe.
50. Production was temporarily rerouted to a different factory.
51. The pipeline had to be rerouted to avoid protected cultural sites.
52. Calls had to be rerouted to a different call center during the system upgrade.
53. The electrical cables had to be rerouted before the house expansion could begin.
54. The parade was rerouted to avoid counter-protestors along the original route.
55. Resources were rerouted to the project with the most critical timeline.
56. The irrigation channel had to be rerouted after it began leaking.
57. The convoy had to be rerouted due to an impassable section of the road.
58. Internet cables had to be rerouted after floodwaters damaged the lines.
59. Emergency responders were rerouted to the scene of the worst casualties.
60. Responders had to be rerouted to another hard hit area after the storm.
Common Phases
1. The flight had to be rerouted.
2. Traffic was rerouted around the area.
3. The parade route had to be rerouted.
4. Power lines were rerouted.
5. The road was temporarily rerouted.
6. Water flow was rerouted.
7. The hikers had to reroute their trail.
8. Natural gas lines were rerouted.
9. The gas main had to be rerouted.
10. The pipe had to be rerouted.
11. Call volume had to be rerouted.
12. Electricity was rerouted.
13. Team members were rerouted.
14. The parade was rerouted.
15. Responders had to be rerouted.