Rimantadine example sentences

Related (1): antiviral

"Rimantadine" Example Sentences

1. The doctor prescribed rimantadine as a preventative measure against flu.
2. Rimantadine is an antiviral medication used to treat influenza infections.
3. I took rimantadine for two weeks to fight off the flu virus.
4. The pharmacist cautioned me to take rimantadine with food to avoid upset stomach.
5. Rimantadine can cause some side-effects such as dizziness and nausea.
6. The patient reported improved symptoms after taking rimantadine for a week.
7. The effectiveness of rimantadine depends on the type of influenza virus.
8. Some people may be allergic to rimantadine, leading to rash and hives.
9. The doctor recommended rimantadine for my daughter who has a weak immune system.
10. Rimantadine is not effective in treating the common cold or other viral infections.
11. Patients with liver or kidney problems should be cautious when taking rimantadine.
12. Rimantadine should not be used as a substitute for getting a flu vaccine.
13. The dosage of rimantadine may need to be adjusted for elderly patients.
14. The pharmacist reminded me to finish the full course of rimantadine as prescribed.
15. Rimantadine can cause photosensitivity, so it's important to use sunscreen when going outdoors.
16. The patient was advised to drink plenty of fluids while taking rimantadine.
17. Rimantadine is most effective when taken within 48 hours of flu symptoms onset.
18. The doctor explained the mechanism of action of rimantadine on the influenza virus.
19. The patient's insurance did not cover the cost of rimantadine, so they opted for an alternative medication.
20. Rimantadine can interact with certain medications, so it's important to inform the doctor of any other drugs being taken.
21. The pharmacist provided a leaflet with instructions on how to take rimantadine.
22. The patient reported feeling tired as a side-effect of taking rimantadine.
23. Children under the age of one should not be given rimantadine.
24. The doctor advised the patient to avoid excessive alcohol consumption when taking rimantadine.
25. Rimantadine is available in tablet and liquid forms.
26. The patient reported feeling better after taking rimantadine for three days.
27. The effectiveness of rimantadine can vary among individuals.
28. The pharmacist informed the patient that rimantadine should be stored in a cool and dry place.
29. The doctor emphasized the importance of taking rimantadine at regular intervals to maintain therapeutic levels.
30. The patient was advised to report any unusual symptoms or side-effects while taking rimantadine.

Common Phases

1. Rimantadine is an antiviral medication;
2. Rimantadine is used to prevent and treat influenza A virus infections;
3. Rimantadine works by blocking the activity of the influenza virus;
4. Rimantadine may be used in conjunction with other antiviral medications;
5. Rimantadine is most effective when taken within 48 hours of the onset of flu symptoms;
6. Rimantadine may cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and dizziness;
7. Rimantadine is not effective against influenza B virus infections;
8. Rimantadine should not be used in patients with kidney disease;
9. Rimantadine may interact with other medications, so it is important to inform your doctor of all medications you are taking.

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