"Rippleth" Example Sentences
1) As she skipped stones across the water, she watched as each one created a rippleth.
2) The wind gently rippleth the leaves on the trees.
3) The boat's wake rippleth behind it as it glides through the water.
4) The fountain's water cascade create a rippleth effect in the pool below.
5) The fish caused a rippleth in the water as it jumped out and back in.
6) The raindrops create a rippleth across the surface of the lake.
7) She watched as the sand rippleth in the wind.
8) The gust of wind rippleth through the tall grass.
9) The water in the bathtub created a calm rippleth.
10) The ducks swimming in the pond created a rippleth effect in the water.
11) The gentle current of the river create a rippleth effect on the surface.
12) The large rock thrown into the water cause a rippleth in every direction.
13) The kayaker's paddle rippleth the water as she navigates down the river.
14) The rippleth in the water caused by the boat's wake reflected the sunlight.
15) The sleek body of the dolphin created a rippleth in the water as it swam.
16) The waterfall's plunge caused a powerful rippleth in the nearby pool.
17) The swimmer's stroke rippleth the water underneath her.
18) The storm caused a turbulent rippleth across the lake.
19) The sound of the music rippleth through the crowd at the concert.
20) The moon reflected in the rippleth of the tide.
21) The underwater reef create a rippleth effect on the surface of the water.
22) The quick movement of the fish's tail rippleth the water behind it.
23) The windmill created a rhythmic rippleth in the nearby pond.
24) The artist's brush created colorful rippleth on the canvas.
25) The powerful jets create a rippleth in the pool.
26) The impact of the cannonball caused a massive rippleth effect.
27) The whirlpool create a strong rippleth effect on the surface of the water.
28) The rainstorm's downpour cause a steady rippleth on the surface of the river.
29) The sudden gust of wind create a rippleth in the tall wheat fields.
30) The pebble's impact create a small, delicate rippleth on the pond surface.
Common Phases
The river
rippleth gently; the wind
rippleth the leaves; the calm lake
rippleth with the breeze; the sand
rippleth in patterns; the curtains
rippleth in the wind; the surface of the pool
rippleth with the rain; the wheat fields
rippleth in the wind; the flags
rippleth on the mast.