Ritual example sentences

Related (10): sacred, ceremony, tradition, custom, routine, worship, practice, rite, observance, performance

"Ritual" Example Sentences

1. The ritual began with a ceremonial dance.
2. The tribe performed a ritual to summon the rain god.
3. It was part of their daily ritual to meditate at dawn.
4. Every new moon, she performed the cleansing ritual.
5. As part of the purification ritual, they had to bathe in the river.
6. The ritual sacrifice was performed to please the gods.
7. They followed the same ritual every morning before starting work.
8. The funeral ritual lasted all day and into the night.
9. The wedding ritual symbolized their union for eternity.
10. The baptism ritual brought them into the church.
11. The initiation ritual welcomed them into the secret society.
12. The coronation ceremony was an elaborate royal ritual.
13. His daily ritual of exercise and meditation calmed his mind.
14. The religious ritual centered around animal sacrifices.
15. Her morning beauty ritual took hours to complete.
16. The tea ritual followed a precise set of steps.
17. The bar mitzvah was an important coming of age ritual for Jewish boys.
18. Their weekly routine had become more of a ritual than a choice.
19. The priest performed the ritual prayers over the dead body.
20. The rite of passage ritual marked the boy's entry into adulthood.
21. Brewing the perfect cup of coffee had become his daily ritual.
22. Her yoga practice had become an important ritual for her.
23. The grieving widow performed a ritual to honor her late husband's memory.
24. He followed the pre-workout ritual of stretching and rolling out his muscles.
25. The ritual cleansing symbolized a washing away of sins.
26. They gathered around the campfire to perform ritual chants and songs.
27. The shaman performed a ritual dance to summon spirits of the dead.
28. Preparing her tea each afternoon had become a cherished ritual for the elderly woman.
29. The coming of age ritual was a test of courage and strength.
30. The ritual anointing sanctified the new king.
31. The confirmation ritual brought the teenagers into the church as adults.
32. His daily jog had become more of a ritual than an exercise routine.
33. The marriage ritual bound them together for life.
34. The ritual chanting went on through the night.
35. The religious ritual centered around prayer and meditation.
36. Brushing and flossing her teeth had become part of her evening ritual.
37. The coronation ritual marked the official start of his reign.
38. They performed the ritual prayers every morning at dawn.
39. The initiation ritual was meant to test the limits of both body and mind.
40. Her pre-performance ritual of deep breathing and positive visualization helped calm her nerves.
41. The rites of passage ritual celebrated her transition into adulthood.
42. Pouring his first cup of coffee had become part of his morning ritual.
43. Every weekend, they faithfully followed the soccer match ritual of pizza, beer and cheering on their favorite team.
44. The elaborate royal ritual marked the new queen's ascension to the throne.
45. The ritual chanting and drumming lasted well into the night.
46. Making the bed each morning had become part of her household ritual.
47. The graduation ritual capped off years of hard work and study.
48. The ritual prayers were performed at dawn, noon and dusk.
49. The christening ritual welcomed the newborn into the church.
50. The post-workout ritual of stretches and ice baths helped speed her recovery.
51. After years of following the same morning ritual, it had become second nature to her.
52. The ritual chant was meant to ward off evil spirits.
53. The purification ritual symbolized a washing away of past sins.
54. His pre-workout ritual of posing in the mirror had become something of a joke.
55. Her skin care ritual had become an essential part of her nightly routine.
56. The dance ritual celebrated the changing of the seasons.
57. The ghost rituals were meant to ward off evil spirits.
58. The wedding vows ritual symbolized the sacred union of two people.
59. Preparing her matcha tea had become part of her daily ritual.
60. The ritual mourning ceremonies lasted for several days.

Common Phases

1. The wedding ceremony followed traditional rituals.
2. They performed cleansing rituals before starting the sacred activities.
3. The funeral rituals took place over several days.
4. The girl performed her morning ritual of making the bed and cleaning the bathroom.
5. The nightly ritual of brushing teeth and saying goodnight to mom began.
6. The rain dance was part of an age-old ritual meant to bring rain to the parched land.
7. The initiation ritual involved a series of physical and mental challenges.
8. The steps she followed for her morning coffee were almost a ritual.
9. Each year, the community came together for the harvest festival rituals.
10. Prayer was an important ritual at the beginning and end of every day.
11. The fraternity had several strange initiation rituals for new members.
12. Ritualistically cleansing the room held spiritual significance for her practice.
13. Sacrificing animals was once an accepted ritual in many religions.
14. Rituals can help provide comfort and structure during times of change or stress.
15. The seasonal rituals marked the changing of the seasons for the community.
16. The team performed their pre-game ritual of jumping up and down before taking the field.
17. The military induction ceremony followed strict rituals and procedures.
18. Her daily jogging routine had become an important ritual for clearing her mind.
19. Rituals involving chanting and dancing lasted late into the night.
20. Communal rituals built a sense of belonging and connection among participants.
21. The daily rituals of work, meals and sleep structured her life.
22. Ritualistic behaviors can provide an outlet for dealing with anxiety or obsession.
23. Religious rituals give followers a sense of meaning, purpose and community.
24. According to tradition, elaborate rituals marked important stages of life.
25. The meditation rituals were aimed at achieving spiritual awakening.
26. Fitness and healthy eating rituals were an integral part of her overall wellbeing.
27. The yoga class incorporated spiritual rituals as well as physical postures.
28. Rituals surrounding birth, marriage and death brought communities together.
29. Adhering to age-old rituals honored the wisdom of past generations.
30. Many holidays involve rituals like exchanging gifts, decorating trees and baking.
31. The monks performed group prayer rituals at dawn, noon and sunset.
32. Fasting was part of ritual purification before the holy festival.
33. The coronation ceremony followed ancient royal rituals dating back centuries.
34. The religious rituals were meant to show reverence and humility before God.
35. Rituals of self-care were vital for maintaining wellbeing and balance.
36. Purification rituals symbolically cleansed and prepared participants.
37. The religious rituals centered around worship and offerings to the gods.
38. Rituals gave meaning, comfort and purpose in the face of uncertainty.
39. The elaborate rituals were meant as an atonement for past sins.
40. Ritual behavior follows a repetitive, customary pattern.
41. The tribal rituals connected participants to the spirits of their ancestors.
42. The ritual sacrifice was deemed necessary for ensuring a bountiful harvest.
43. Traditional rituals created unity and cohesion within the society.
44. The elaborate coronation rituals instilled awe and symbolized the transfer of power.
45. Rituals provided psychological and spiritual benefits for followers.
46. Performing rituals as part of a group enhances feelings of social cohesion.
47. Anthropologists study rituals to understand cultural practices and history.
48. Rituals associated with a cause can mobilize people to action.
49. The coming-of-age rituals symbolize the transition to adulthood.
50. Many find comfort and meaning through participation in spiritual rituals.
51. Daily rituals establish routine and structure for children.
52. The ritualistic behaviors displayed characteristics of obsessive disorder.
53. Seasonal rituals mark the passage of time within the culture.
54. The group chanted prayers as part of their spiritual ritual.
55. The elaborate rituals had deep symbolic meaning for participants.
56. The objects used in a ritual often have symbolic significance.
57. He engaged in obsessive rituals in an attempt to manage anxiety.
58. The secretive rituals raised suspicions among outsiders.
59. The ancient rituals lived on in legend and folklore.
60. Ritual behaviors around prayer, meditation and worship are common across religions.

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