Roadway example sentences

Related (10): Asphalt, pavement, lane, shoulder, divider, median, curb, guardrail, reflector, sign.

"Roadway" Example Sentences

1. Cars sped down the busy roadway.
2. The roadway was congested with rush hour traffic.
3. The double-lane roadway accommodated the heavy flow of vehicles.
4. Snowplows cleared the icy roadway after the storm.
5. A portion of the roadway had collapsed due to erosion.
6. The work crews repaired sections of the battered roadway.
7. Emergency responders closed part of the roadway after the accident.
8. They resurfaced long stretches of the damaged roadway.
9. Traffic on the multilane roadway came to a standstill.
10. The roadway curved sharply through the mountains.
11. Salt trucks treated the slippery roadway.
12. Construction crews widened the congested roadway.
13. The busy roadway wound through the hills.
14. The roadway was partially flooded after the downpour.
15. The plows cleared snow from the narrow roadway.
16. The roadway had several lanes in each direction.
17. Police diverted traffic from the flooded roadway.
18. Buses, cars and trucks filled the four-lane roadway.
19. They built an overpass above the congested roadway.
20. The winding roadway hugged the mountainside.
21. He weaved in and out of traffic on the congested roadway.
22. Trucks rumbled down the busy roadway.
23. The work crew repaved sections of the cracked roadway.
24. Traffic inched along the congested roadway.
25. They widened the curved sections of the roadway.
26. The lines on the wet roadway were blurred.
27. Rocks fell onto the winding roadway.
28. Sections of the damaged roadway were closed for repairs.
29. The crews poured fresh asphalt on the potholed roadway.
30. The landslide blocked one lane of the winding roadway.
31. Traffic moved slowly along the multilane roadway.
32. The rainwater pooled on the flooded roadway.
33. They installed guard rails along the curving roadway.
34. The posted speed limit doubled on the straight roadway.
35. Emergency responders cleared wreckage from the roadway.
36. The busy roadway wound through the valley.
37. The six-lane roadway accommodated heavy traffic volumes.
38. Cars sped along the smooth roadway.
39. Signs warned of ice on the roadway.
40. The rain had turned the dirt roadway to mud.
41. Signals illuminated the curving roadway.
42. The traffic on the six-lane roadway was backed up for miles.
43. Gravel covered parts of the winding roadway.
44. Construction crews were filling potholes in the roadway.
45. The narrow roadway hugged the cliffside.
46. They paved over the damaged roadway.
47. Workers cleared debris from the flooded roadway.
48. Lines of cars inched along the busy roadway.
49. The snowplow made several passes down the long roadway.
50. The one-lane roadway twisted up the mountain.
51. Traffic moved slowly along the winding roadway.
52. The recent storm had damaged sections of the roadway.
53. She navigated the curving roadway with care.
54. The crews resurfaced large sections of the crumbling roadway.
55. The multilane roadway handled the heavy morning commute.
56. Cars crawled along the congested roadway.
57. The rising floodwaters covered parts of the low-lying roadway.
58. Traffic inched along on the busy roadway.
59. The roadwork created bottlenecks on the congested roadway.
60. Cars sped down the multilane roadway.

Common Phases

1. Traffic was backed up on the roadway due to an accident.
2. The roadway was slick with ice after the winter storm.
3. Workers were repaving parts of the roadway this morning.
4. The city needs to repaint the lines on the roadway, they are fading.
5. Bicycles are not allowed on the interstate roadway.
6. Overhead bridges span the multi-lane roadway.
7. The section of roadway collapsed due to flooding.
8. Emergency vehicles blocked parts of the roadway as they attended to the accident.
9. Workers were removing debris from the roadway after the severe storm.
10. Police closed down several lanes of the roadway for the parade.
11. Contractors were laying new asphalt on the roadway.
12. They installed new guard rails along the winding roadway.
13. Trees and branches littered the roadway after the tornado.
14. Crews cleared the roadway of snow and ice after the blizzard.
15. We exited the highway onto the frontage roadway.
16. Signs warned drivers of construction on the upcoming roadway.
17. The overpass carries traffic over the busy roadway.
18. We walked along the frontage roadway parallel to the highway.
19. Barriers divide the opposing lanes of the multi-lane roadway.
20. Roadwork had narrowed the usual four lanes of the roadway down to two.
21. The city installed flashing lights above the busy roadway.
22. Cars exited the interstate onto the off ramp and service roadway.
23. Maintenance crews patched potholes on the aging roadway.
24. Traffic signals controlled traffic flow along the roadway .
25. All lanes on the major roadway were jammed with traffic.
26. The cyclist swerved to avoid debris in the roadway.
27. An oil spill created a hazardous condition on the roadway.
28. Speed traps policed speeding along the residential roadway.
29. Heavy rainfall flooded portions of the lower roadway.
30. They planted trees and shrubs along the edges of the roadway.
31. The roadway curved sharply through the mountain pass.
32. Trafficlights controlled the flow of traffic on the busy roadway.
33. He pulled over onto the shoulder of the roadway.
34. Exit signs marked lanes for different destinations along the roadway.
35. The pedestrian bridge spanned the busy roadway.
36. Streetlights illuminated the winding roadway through the hills.
37. Roadrunners often darted onto the roadway, causing hazards for drivers.
38. Trucks were restricted from using that section of the scenic roadway.
39. Emergency responders were diverted to another section of the roadway.
40. We exited the highway and continued along the frontage roadway .
41. Fumes from idling cars filled the crowded roadway.
42. Drivers maneuvered around debris that had spilled onto the roadway.
43. The shoulder of the roadway narrowed drastically at the bridge.
44. Flashing amber lights warned of workers ahead on the roadway.
45. Runoff from rain pooled on parts of the low-lying roadway.
46. Police were directing traffic where the roadway narrowed.
47. Traffic cones channeled cars into the proper lanes on the roadway.
48. Barriers lined both sides of the depressed roadway.
49. Road crews were sealing cracks in the outer lanes of the roadway.
50. The overpass spanned multiple lanes of the busy urban roadway.
51. The highway crossed over the railroad tracks via an overpass roadway.
52. The semi's side mirror scraped against the wall lining the roadway.
53. Flaggers were directing alternating flow of traffic on the one lane roadway.
54. Road signs warned of winding roadway ahead.
55. Highways merged onto the single roadway that passed through town.
56. Homes lined both sides of the scenic two lane roadway.
57. Rumble strips alerted drivers when they strayed from the path of the roadway.
58. The bicyclist swerved onto the grass as a car veered into the roadway.
59. Power lines crossed high above the divided roadway.
60. Road salt helped prevent ice from forming on the bridge's roadway.

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