Rotaring example sentences
rotating (adjective)
- moving in a circle around an axis or center:
- passing to each member of a group in a regularly recurring order:
rotating (present participle)
- move or cause to move in a circle around an axis or center:
- pass to each member of a group in a regularly recurring order:
- grow (different crops) in succession on a particular piece of land to avoid exhausting the soil and to control weeds, pests, and diseases:
- change the position of (tires) on a motor vehicle to distribute wear evenly.
revolve, turn, spin, gyrate, wheel, whirl, twirl, swivel, circle, pirouette, pivot, reel, alternate, change, switch, interchange, exchange, swap"Rotaring" Example Sentences
Rotaring is not an English word. I think you meant rotating.1. The earth is constantly rotating on its axis.
2. The rotating blades of the helicopter whipped up the wind.
3. The fan was rotating slowly, providing a gentle breeze.
4. The motor spun the wheel at a high speed, rapidly rotating it.
5. The rotating lights on top of the police car flashed red and blue.
6. The display showed the rotating solar system moving around the sun.
7. The rotating door allowed people to enter and exit the building smoothly.
8. The rotating sign advertised the sales happening that day.
9. The rotating stage allowed each performer to have their moment in the spotlight.
10. The rotating brush cleaned the threads inside the bolt.
11. We could see the rotating beam of the lighthouse from our cabin on the beach.
12. The lazy ceiling fan was just barely rotating above them.
13. The astronauts experienced weightlessness while the space station was rotating.
14. The rotating belt carried items down the assembly line.
15. The rotating hard drive allowed quick access to data on the computer.
16. The rotating casters made it easy to move the cabinet around the room.
17. The rapidly rotating cylinder mixed the ingredients together.
18. The rotating mill ground the wheat into flour.
19. The spinning cyclones rotated so fast they appeared blurry.
20. The rotating vane helped direct the inbound airplane toward the terminal.
21. The lazily rotating crouton added visual interest to the salad.
22 The radar detector's rotating antenna scanned for speed traps.
23. Watching the spinning wheel set made him feel dizzy and nauseous.
24. The rotating gyroscope helped stabilize the navigation system.
25. The cube continuously rotated on its corner giving the illusion of floating.
26. The large rotating drums separated different sizes of particles.
27. The grinding wheel rapidly spun, rotating at high speed.
28. The rotating planets were projected onto the domed ceiling.
29. The rotating cylinder allowed access to different sides of the sample.
30. The rotating blade chopped the vegetables into small pieces.
31. The planetary gear system contained several rotating components.
32. The rotating filter press separated the liquids from the solids.
33. The lazy ceiling fan did little more than rotate at a snail's pace.
34. The rotating dial tapped out morse code signals through rotation.
35. The rotating turbine blades generated power from the wind's movement.
36. The rotating camera provided multiple views of the scene.
37. The delicate balance of the spinning top provided the rotating motion.
38. The rotating disc spread the liquid evenly across its surface.
39. Watching the rotating kaleidoscope created endless patterns of shapes and colors.
40. The spinning weather vane pointed toward the direction of the wind.
41. The high speed rotating barrel mixed the components rapidly.
42. The rotating steam turbine drove the generator to produce electricity.
43. The slowly rotating spit roasted the chicken evenly.
44. The centrifuge contained rapidly rotating tubes for separating liquids.
45. The rotating mirror reflected the laser beams in different directions.
46. The magnetic stirring bar rapidly rotated inside the beaker.
47. The rotating air conditioning vent directed the cool air where needed.
48. The belt rotated, powering the various machines along the assembly line.
49. The magnetic stir plate caused the stir bar to rotate inside the flask
50. The telescope tracked the movement of celestial objects as the earth rotated.
51. The rotating cylinders printed different colors of ink across the paper.
52. The rotating radar dish searched for targets in all directions.
53. The rotating exhibit allowed viewers to see all sides of the sculptures.
54. The rotating brush cleaner scrubbed particles from between the threads.
55. The continuously rotating slot machine hypnotized the gambler.
56. The revolving radar scanner swept the surrounding area for threats.
57. The piston within the cylinder rotated as it moved up and down.
58. The magnetic needle spun and rotated indicating the direction of north.
59. The machine spun the cotton bolls, rotating them at high speed.
60. Watching the windmill's rotating blades made him think of Don Quixote.
Common Phases
Unfortunately "rotaring" is not an English word, so there are no common phrases that use that term. Some common phrases using the correct word "rotating" are:1. Revolving door
2. Revolutions per minute (RPM)
3. Rotation speed
4. Rotational movement
5. Rotating shift
6. Continuous rotation
7. Rotate in/out
8. Rotation axis
Some example sentences:
We entered the office building through the revolving door.
The cars on the assembly line rotate from station to station.
The motor has a rotation speed of 3000 RPM.
The satellite's rotational movement allows it to always keep the same face pointed toward Earth.
Employees on the rotating shift work different days each week.
The gears provide continuous rotation to the wheels.
The workers rotate in and out of different job assignments.
The planet rotates on its axial tilt.
Hope these examples help clarify the common uses of the word "rotating" in English! Let me know if you have any other questions.