Roughening example sentences

Related (5): abrasion, coarsening, chafing, scratching, scuffing

"Roughening" Example Sentences

1. The roughening of the surface was intentional, to create a gritty texture.
2. The roughening of the road made it difficult to drive smoothly.
3. Roughening the edges of the paper gives it a hand-made look.
4. The wind was roughening the waters, making it impossible to go sailing.
5. The roughening of the skin is a natural part of aging.
6. The artist was roughening the canvas to prepare it for his painting.
7. The roughening waves were a sign that a storm was coming.
8. The roughening of the landscape was due to years of erosion.
9. The roughening sound of his voice made it clear he was angry.
10. The roughening of the metal surface was for better grip.
11. The roughening of his hands showed that he was a hard worker.
12. The roughening of the trail made the hike more challenging.
13. The roughening of the rock surface made it easier for climbers to grip.
14. The roughening of the skin on his feet was caused by walking barefoot.
15. The roughening of the hair indicates damage due to frequent bleaching.
16. The roughening of the concrete surface was caused by constant use.
17. The roughening of the floor made it slippery and dangerous to walk on.
18. The roughening of the fabric was a result of over-washing.
19. The roughening of the bark on the tree was due to a fungal infection.
20. The roughening of the road surface caused tire wear and tear.
21. The roughening of the weather conditions made it difficult to do outdoor work.
22. The roughening of the sandpaper helps to smooth out rough edges.
23. The roughening of his skin was a sign of dehydration.
24. The roughening of the leather surface was intentional, to give it a vintage look.
25. The roughening of the paint surface was caused by extreme heat.
26. The roughening of the ice surface made it difficult to skate.
27. The roughening of the wood surface was a result of exposure to moisture.
28. The roughening of the hair on animals is a sign of danger or aggression.
29. The roughening of the road surface causes an increase in car accidents.
30. The roughening of the vocal cords makes it difficult to speak or sing.

Common Phases

1. The roughening of the surface occurred gradually;
2. The roughening was caused by the abrasive nature of the material;
3. The roughening process involved sandblasting and polishing;
4. The roughening created a textured surface for better grip;
5. The roughening improved adhesion between two surfaces;
6. The roughening was necessary to prepare the surface for painting;
7. The roughening was evident in the microscopic analysis of the surface;
8. The roughening was achieved using a diamond-tipped tool;
9. The roughening increased the surface area of the material;
10. The roughening resulted in a matte finish rather than a smooth one.

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