Rueful example sentences

Related (8): remorseful, regretful, contrite, apologetic, penitent, sorry, mournful, sorrowful

"Rueful" Example Sentences

1. He sighed ruefully as he thought of his mistake.
2. She shook her head ruefully at the memory.
3. With a rueful smile, he admitted his error.
4. I looked back on my youth with a rueful smile.
5. He cast a rueful glance at the broken vase.
6. She uttered a rueful laugh and said, "What fools we were!"
7. With rueful nostalgia, he thought of his carefree childhood.
8. She spoke with rueful regret of opportunities lost.
9. He gazed ruefully at the damaged car.
10. She eyed the dirty dishes with rueful resignation.
11. The dog looked at me ruefully, recognizing his mistake.
12. I gave a rueful shake of my head at my own foolishness.
13. The rueful look on his face showed that he knew he was wrong.
14. With rueful amusement, I thought of my naive younger self.
15. A faint rueful smile crossed her face as she remembered.
16. He recounted the story with rueful embarrassment.
17. The broken radio elicited a rueful chuckle from him.
18. Her rueful expression revealed her feelings of remorse.
19. He lowered his head in rueful shame at his behavior.
20. She frowned ruefully at the shattered remains of her phone.
21. He smiled halfheartedly, ruefully aware of time passing.
22. The kids looked at me ruefully, realizing they'd have no dessert.
23. With rueful honesty, he admitted he had been wrong.
24. The crowd watched ruefully as the basketball player missed the shot.
25. He tapped the empty gas tank ruefully, realizing his error too late.
26. The cat looked at me ruefully, hoping for more treats.
27. I peered ruefully into my wallet, aware it was almost empty.
28. She eyed the stain ruefully, realizing how difficult it would be to remove.

29. The missed opportunity elicited a rueful sigh from him.
30. He shook his head ruefully at his past mistakes.
31. With rueful embarrassment, I remembered my social faux pas.
32. I realized too late, looking ruefully down at my ruined dinner.
33. She stared ruefully at the broken ornament, remembering where she got it.
34. He smiled ruefully as he realized how foolish he'd been.
35. I spoke ruefully of my poor grades in school.
36. The old photographs evoked rueful memories of youth.
37. I looked at the harsh bill ruefully, wishing I'd budgeted better.
38. He smiled ruefully, thinking of his unwise investments.
39. The kid looked at the broken toy ruefully, tears in his eyes.
40. I stared ruefully at the math equation, wishing I'd studied more.
41. She eyed the dirt ruefully, knowing she'd have to clean the whole house again.

42. With rueful nostalgia, he remembered his glory days as an athlete.
43. I looked down at my muddy shoes ruefully, knowing there'd be hell to pay.

44. He laughed ruefully, remembering his foolish teenage exploits.
45. With rueful humor, she remembered her youthful wardrobe choices.
46. He spoke ruefully of opportunities that had been lost to him.
47. The old photos evoked rueful laughter at our younger selves.
48. The disappointing test score elicited a rueful sigh from me.
49. He uttered a rueful chuckle at his own silliness.
50. I eyed the spilt milk ruefully, knowing it couldn't be put back in the bottle.
51. The empty wallet evoked a rueful groan as I realized I was broke again.
52. She frowned ruefully at her child's stained clothes, wishing they'd been more careful.

53. I uttered a rueful oath as I stubbed my toe for the hundredth time.
54. The broken toy elicited a rueful cry from the small child.
55. The shattered remnants elicited a rueful shake of the head.
56. The finished alcohol elicited rueful laughter at the good times that had already passed.
57. With rueful good humor, he admitted his foolish errors of youth.
58. He smiled ruefully, shaking his head at his old mistake.

59. The missed career opportunity evoked rueful lamentations of what could have been.

60. He eyed the sickly plant ruefully, realizing too late he should have watered it more.

Common Phases

1. He shook his head ruefully, thinking of what could have been.
2. She sighed ruefully at her foolish mistakes.
3. The politician gave a rueful grin when reminded of his past gaffes.
4. With a rueful smile, he recounted the story of his failed business venture.
5. The archer looked ruefully at her misplaced shots on the target.
6. The rueful expression on his face showed that he knew he had messed up.
7. She let out a rueful laugh as she thought back on her teenager years.
8. With rueful hindsight, he realized he should have taken the job offer.
9. He gave a rueful chuckle as he thought of his misspent youth.
10. The rueful apologies came too late to prevent the damage.
11. Casting a rueful glance back at her former life, she walked away determinedly into the unknown.
12. The reviewer gave a rueful nod to the author's potential despite the flaws in the manuscript.
13. Her rueful expression showed that she knew she had made the wrong decision.
14. The rueful tears welled up as he remembered losing the title match in the last seconds.
15. He smiled ruefully at his younger self's naive assumptions.
16. With a rueful grimace, she picked up the broken pieces of her latest project.
17. The teacher gave a rueful sigh at having to explain the assignment yet again.
18. Her rueful admission of failure came too late to help anyone.
19. Her rueful smile acknowledged the humor in her misfortune.
20. He cast a rueful glance back at the trail of missed opportunities behind him.
21. The boxer's rueful expression showed his disappointment at losing the match.
22. With a rueful laugh, she admitted her mistake.
23. There was a rueful acceptance in his tone as he apologized.
24. The singer gave a rueful smile at her out-of-tune performance.
25. She let out a rueful groan as yet another cookie crumbled in her hands.
26. The professor gave a rueful shake of her head at the half-finished homework on the desk.
27. He gave a rueful chuckle as he remembered his youthful exuberance.
28. With a rueful sigh, he snapped shut the book filled with dreams he knew would never come true.
29. His rueful admission that he didn't study came too late.
30. The athlete gave a rueful nod as he acknowledged his mistakes.
31. The dog walker sighed ruefully at the mud all over her clothes.
32. The chef looked ruefully at the burned remains of the cake.
33. He cast a rueful glance back at his wasted years.
34. There was a rueful glint in her eye as she reminisced about her mistakes.
35. With a rueful smile, he remembered his younger self's naive ambition.
36. The writer gave a rueful laugh at the awful first draft of the novel.
37. The surgeon gave a rueful shake of his head at the patient's self-inflicted injuries.
38. The archer sighed ruefully at her missed shot.
39. The gardener gave a rueful frown at the withered plants.
40. His rueful apology belied his lack of real remorse.
41. With rueful hindsight, he wished he had studied more.
42. There was a rueful wistfulness to her expression as she thought back on her youth.
43. His rueful grin acknowledged his foolishness.
44. The student sighed ruefully as she stared at the impossible math equations.
45. The athlete gave a rueful smile as he thought back on his injury that prevented him from competing.
46. Her rueful tears came too late to salvage anything.
47. He gave a rueful chuckle as he thought of his young attempts at writing poetry.
48. With a rueful shake of his head, he admitted he was wrong.
49. The singer stared ruefully at the empty seats remaining after the show.
50. The businessman gave a rueful grimace at the mistakes that cost him the deal.
51. There was a rueful acceptance in her laugh as she remembered her youthful folly.
52. With rueful wisdom, he advised the aspiring student to avoid his mistakes.
53. The climber gave a rueful nod as he acknowledged his error that caused the fall.
54. The pilot sighed ruefully as he surveyed the damage caused by the crash landing.
55. Her rueful smile acknowledged her foolish actions.
56. He cast one last rueful glance back at his childhood home.
57. The competitor gave a rueful shake of his head at his performance.
58. The craftsman sighed ruefully at yet another snapped tool.
59. With rueful hindsight, he wished he hadn't ignored the warning signs.
60. The chef looked ruefully at the overcooked dinner.

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