Rumpus example sentences
Related (10): celebration, commotion, festivity, uproar, chaos, disturbance, rowdiness, clamor, merrymaking, tumult
"Rumpus" Example Sentences
1. The kids were making a rumpus in the next room.
2. The puppy caused quite a rumpus in the house.
3. There was quite a rumpus at the party last night.
4. The rambunctious toddler was causing quite a rumpus in the store.
5. The party was in full rumpus by the time we arrived.
6. The children were making quite a rumpus outside.
7. He caused quite a rumpus at the restaurant last night.
8. There was something of a rumpus at the stadium after the game.
9. The students caused quite a rumpus after the big game.
10. The staff had to break up the rumpus in the common room.
11. The group of drunken men were causing quite a rumpus in the bar.
12. The crowd were in high rumpus after the goal was scored.
13. There was a bit of a rumpus during the performance.
14. The toddler was in full rumpus mode after his afternoon nap.
15. A rumpus soon broke out amongst the children at the party.
16. There was a huge rumpus outside in the street last night.
17. The whole house shook with the rumpus of the party.
18. The boys' weekend turned into quite a rumpus.
19. There was quite a rumpus outside after the football game.
20. The teacher had to quieten down the rumpus in the classroom.
21. The riot police were called to break up a rumpus in the stadium.
22. The boys were causing quite a rumpus in the backyard.
23. The old man caused quite a rumpus at the town meeting.
24. The neighbors complained about the rumpus coming from our house.
25. The supporters celebrated with quite a rumpus after the game.
26. The puppy caused quite a rumpus chasing after the cat.
27. The match soon descended into quite a rumpus.
28. The school had to be evacuated due to a rumpus outside.
29. There was quite a rumpus on the street last night.
30. The children caused quite a rumpus during the ceremony.
31. A rumpus soon broke out amongst the boys at school.
32. The boys caused quite a rumpus playing football in the street.
33. Our street party turned into quite a rumpus after dark.
34. There was quite a rumpus outside after the big announcement.
35. The toddler caused quite a rumpus having a tantrum in the store.
36. Quite a rumpus broke out amongst the fans after the controversial call.
37. The fight turned into quite a rumpus before the bouncers could break it up.
38. The kids were in full rumpus mode after being cooped up all day.
39. The group were in high rumpus after their team won the championship.
40. The riot police had to break up the rumpus in the stadium.
41. The meeting soon descended into quite a rumpus.
42. The toddler soon worked himself up into quite a rumpus.
43. The boys started a rumpus playing football in the hallway.
44. He soon caused quite a rumpus at the restaurant.
45. The party turned into quite a rumpus after midnight.
46. The hockey game soon descended into quite a rumpus.
47. The staff had to break up the rumpus in the common room.
48. The students caused quite a rumpus once the teachers left the room.
49. There was quite a rumpus at the restaurant last night.
50. The crowd were in high rumpus after the winning try was scored.
51. The kids caused quite a rumpus playing football in the park.
52. The police had to break up the rumpus on the street.
53. There was quite a rumpus outside after the late night party let out.
54. The kids were causing quite a rumpus inside the store.
55. There was something of a rumpus after the announcement was made.
56. The group soon descended into quite a rumpus.
57. The puppy caused quite a rumpus chasing after the toddler.
58. Quite a rumpus soon broke out amongst the students.
59. The fans created quite a rumpus after the game ended controversially.
60. The children were causing quite a rumpus at the playground.
Common Phases
1. The kids caused a rumpus in the house all afternoon.
2. There was quite a rumpus at the party last night.
3. The puppy caused quite a rumpus by knocking over the trash can.
4. The toddler was causing a rumpus, crying and screaming.
5. He made a rumpus when he realized he had lost his wallet.
6. Their school trip resulted in quite a rumpus that had the teachers pulling their hair out.
7. The ship's crew raised quite a rumpus in the local tavern after porting.
8. The dogs raised quite a rumpus when the doorbell rang.
9. The monkeys raised quite a rumpus in their cages at the zoo.
10. The kindergartners tended to cause quite a rumpus every afternoon after their nap.
11. The little boy made such a rumpus when his mother tried to put him to bed.
12. The teachers ended up with a rumpus on their hands once the students realized it was the last day of school.
13. The puppies kicked up quite a rumpus wrestling with each other.
14. They kicked up quite a rumpus at the football match.
15. The rugby team kicked up quite a rumpus in the hotel bar after the game.
16. The toddler kicked up quite a rumpus when his mother wouldn't let him have any more sweets.
17. The drunk patron kicked up quite a rumpus until the bouncer removed him from the restaurant.
18. The baby kicked up quite a rumpus during the flight.
19. There was quite a rumpus kicked up in the neighborhood when the new playground was proposed.
20. They kicked up quite a rumpus when their car was towed away.
21. The children were causing a right rumpus in the playground.
22. The boys caused quite a right rumpus at school today.
23. The puppies caused quite a right rumpus chewing on the furniture.
24. The convention ended up causing quite a right rumpus in the hotel.
25. They caused quite a right rumpus when they found out their favorite television show had been canceled.
26. There was quite a right rumpus outside in the street with the neighbors shouting.
27. The demonstration caused quite a right rumpus in the city center.
28. The newcomer student caused quite a right rumpus by disrupting all the lessons.
29. Her announcement caused quite a right rumpus among her followers.
30. The politician caused quite a right rumpus with his controversial comments.
31. The little ones created quite the rumpus by roughhousing.
32. The fans created quite the rumpus when the soccer team arrived at the stadium.
33. The stranded travelers created quite the rumpus at the airline counter demanding compensation.
34. The toddler created quite the rumpus by throwing his food on the floor.
35. The retreating army created quite the rumpus by smashing and looting shops as they left the city.
36. There was quite the rumpus created in the village when they announced plans to build a new road through it.
37. The club members created quite the rumpus by spilling out into the street late at night.
38. The protesters created quite the rumpus by blocking access to the government building.
39. The monkeys created quite the rumpus by swinging from tree to tree.
40. The candidates created quite the rumpus during the debates by their personal attacks on each other.
41. The storm certainly caused a rumpus.
42. The toddler's tantrum caused quite a rumpus.
43. The drunken partygoers caused quite a rumpus when they got kicked out.
44. The escaped zoo animals certainly caused a rumpus in the town.
45. The school break caused quite a rumpus at home with the kids running wild all over the place.
46. The circus coming to town certainly caused quite a rumpus of excitement.
47. Election season always causes quite a rumpus with all the political ads and promises.
48. The horse causing a rumpus in the town square.
49. His sudden outburst caused quite a rumpus at the meeting.
50. The basketball fans caused quite a rumpus chanting and cheering.
51. The two gorillas certainly caused a rumpus when they escaped from the zoo.
52. The erupting volcano certainly caused quite a rumpus.
53. The rock concert caused quite a rumpus in the small town.
54. The angry protestors certainly caused quite a rumpus by blocking access to the building.
55. The pirate ship caused quite a rumpus among the peacefully fishing vessels.
56. The children caused such a rumpus at the playground that their mothers had to intervene.
57. The blackout certainly caused quite a rumpus in the city.
58. The rogue elephant certainly caused quite a rumpus in the village.
59. The mechanical bull certainly caused quite a rumpus in the rodeo.
60. The invading army certainly caused quite a rumpus as they ransacked the town.