Sacrosanctity example sentences

Related (11): 1. Sanctity, inviolability, piety, devotion, consecration, integrity, morality, righteousness, worship, idolization, glorification

"Sacrosanctity" Example Sentences

1. The priest emphasized the sacrosanctity of the holy communion during his sermon.
2. The sacrosanctity of the temple was compromised due to the damage caused by the storm.
3. The Queen's coronation ceremony was conducted with utmost sacrosanctity.
4. The protesters were condemning the attack on the sacrosanctity of the democratic institutions.
5. The teacher explained the sacrosanctity of the school's honor code to the students.
6. The activists were demanding the restoration of the sacrosanctity of the endangered species.
7. The Constitution's sacrosanctity acts as a safeguard against authoritarianism in a democracy.
8. The artist drew inspiration from the sacrosanctity of nature for her paintings.
9. The film portrayed the sacrosanctity of family values and traditions.
10. The company's ethics committee emphasized the sacrosanctity of honesty and transparency.
11. The soldiers were fiercely guarding the sacrosanctity of their country's borders.
12. The court verdict upheld the sacrosanctity of the freedom of speech and expression.
13. The archaeologists were keen on preserving the sacrosanctity of the ancient ruins.
14. The senator breached the sacrosanctity of the voting process by rigging the elections.
15. The author's work was characterized by the sacrosanctity he placed on the power of words.
16. The pilgrimage was aimed at reaffirming the sacrosanctity of the religious rites and customs.
17. The priest reminded the congregation of the sacrosanctity of the marriage vows.
18. The artist's sculptures portrayed the sacrosanctity of human emotions and experiences.
19. The protesters upheld the sacrosanctity of the right to peaceful assembly and protest.
20. The government's decision to cut off funding for the arts was seen as a violation of the sacrosanctity of culture.
21. The environmentalist emphasized the sacrosanctity of the fragile ecosystem of the rainforest.
22. The financial manager underscored the sacrosanctity of the company's financial records and integrity.
23. The teacher's worldview was rooted in the sacrosanctity of the dignity of human life.
24. The company's policy on data protection was founded on the sacrosanctity of personal privacy.
25. The pacifist spoke out against the sacrosanctity of war and the glorification of violence.
26. The architect's designs paid homage to the sacrosanctity of form and function in building construction.
27. The humanitarian emphasized the sacrosanctity of human rights even in times of conflict.
28. The detective was tasked with protecting the sacrosanctity of evidence and the due process of law.
29. The poet's verses captured the sacrosanctity of the beauty and mystery of life.
30. The medical practitioner upheld the sacrosanctity of the Hippocratic Oath, which places a high value on the sanctity of life.

Common Phases

1. The sacrosanctity of marriage must be respected; it is a covenant between two people and should not be taken lightly.
2. The sacrosanctity of certain religious traditions is upheld by their followers, and any violation is seen as a sacrilege.
3. The sacrosanctity of human life is a fundamental principle of many cultures, and any form of violence or harm is condemned.
4. The sacrosanctity of the constitution is paramount in a democratic society, and any attempt to subvert it is considered treasonous.
5. The sacrosanctity of personal boundaries should be respected by all, and any violation is an infringement on individual liberties.

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