Sallyings example sentences

Related (4): sally, salvo, sallied, sallies

"Sallyings" Example Sentences

1. Sallyings of the wind filled the room with a chill.
2. He heard the sallyings of the birds as he walked through the woods.
3. Her sallyings were often met with laughter and good cheer.
4. The sallyings of the waves against the shore were soothing.
5. The sallyings of the squirrels echoed through the trees.
6. The sallyings of the children could be heard in the distance.
7. The sallyings of the clouds across the sky were mesmerizing.
8. The sallyings of the ocean filled the air with a salty scent.
9. The sallyings of the ducks on the lake created a peaceful ambience.
10. Sallyings of the wind rustled through the tall grass.
11. The sallyings of the nightingale filled the garden with music.
12. The sallyings of the breeze through the trees was a refreshing sound.
13. Sallyings of the raindrops on the roof created a gentle rhythm.
14. His sallyings were often met with boos and jeers.
15. The sallyings of the crickets filled the night with a calming sound.
16. The sallyings of the horses' hooves in the distance were loud and clear.
17. Sallyings of the waves against the dock created a peaceful atmosphere.
18. The sallyings of the bees in the flowers created a buzzing noise.
19. The sallyings of the children in the playground made her smile.
20. The sallyings of the wind through the trees was a calming sound.
21. The sallyings of the river created a peaceful melody.
22. Sallyings of the rain on the windowpane created a soothing rhythm.
23. The sallyings of the bullfrogs in the pond filled the night air.
24. The sallyings of the crowd could be heard from a distance.
25. The sallyings of the birds in the trees was a cheerful sound.
26. Sallyings of the thunder in the distance made her heart race.
27. The sallyings of the waves against the shoreline were calming.
28. The sallyings of the cricket in the grass kept her company.
29. The sallyings of the wind through the leaves was a pleasant sound.
30. Sallyings of the rain on the roof lulled her to sleep.
31. The sallyings of the geese in the sky were a familiar sight.
32. The sallyings of the squirrels in the trees were a joy to watch.
33. The sallyings of the waves against the rocks was a soothing sound.
34. Sallyings of the wind in the trees created a calming atmosphere.
35. The sallyings of the children in the schoolyard were loud and clear.
36. The sallyings of the birds in the sky was a beautiful sight.
37. Sallyings of the waves in the harbor created a peaceful sound.
38. The sallyings of the dog in the park made her heart swell.
39. Sallyings of the rain on the pavement created a steady rhythm.
40. The sallyings of the wind through the valley was a peaceful sound.

Common Phases

Sally forth; foray into unknown; venture out; explore new territory; take the plunge; set sail; embark on a journey; strike out; push boundaries.

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