Salvo example sentences

Related (12): attack, barrage, volley, fusillade, broadside, bombardment, discharge, blast, outburst, burst, eruption, explosion.

"Salvo" Example Sentences

1. They fired a salvo of missiles at their enemy.
2. The soldier unleashed a salvo of bullets from his rifle.
3. The navy responded with a salvo of cannon fire.
4. The protesters launched a verbal salvo at the politician.
5. The goalkeeper saved a salvo of shots from the opposing team.
6. The chef sent out a salvo of appetizers to the diners.
7. The company launched a salvo of new products to the market.
8. The lawyer fired a salvo of questions at the witness.
9. The teacher gave a salvo of assignments to the students.
10. The musician played a salvo of notes on the piano.
11. The actor delivered a salvo of lines in the play.
12. The painter created a salvo of paintings for the gallery.
13. The journalist wrote a salvo of articles on the current issue.
14. The publisher released a salvo of books in the series.
15. The business owner launched a salvo of ads on social media.
16. The music producer arranged a salvo of beats for the upcoming album.
17. The athlete threw a salvo of punches at his opponent.
18. The baker made a salvo of pastries for the bakery.
19. The doctor prescribed a salvo of medications for the patient.
20. The politician made a salvo of promises to the voters.
21. The artist drew a salvo of sketches for the art show.
22. The video game developer released a salvo of updates for the game.
23. The pilot fired a salvo of flares to signal for help.
24. The farmer harvested a salvo of crops from his field.
25. The designer created a salvo of fashion pieces for the runway show.
26. The explorer took a salvo of photographs on his journey.
27. The software developer released a salvo of bug fixes for the program.
28. The climber overcame a salvo of obstacles to reach the summit.
29. The librarian recommended a salvo of books to the avid reader.
30. The analyst presented a salvo of data and statistics in the report.

Common Phases

1. The enemy launched a salvo of missiles; we quickly took cover.
2. We fired off a salvo of fireworks to celebrate the new year.
3. The orchestra played a salvo of notes to begin the concert.
4. The ship fired a salvo of warning shots to deter piracy.
5. The football team delivered a salvo of tackles to stop the opposing team.
6. The angry protester shouted a salvo of insults at the politician.
7. The gunners unleashed a salvo of rounds at the approaching tanks.
8. The artillery fired a salvo of shells to destroy the enemy fortification.
9. The president delivered a salvo of speeches on his campaign trail.
10. The fighter pilot released a salvo of missiles to take out the enemy aircraft.

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