Sanctifyit example sentences

Related (4): sanctify, consecrate, bless, hallow

"Sanctifyit" Example Sentences

1. The bishop asked the priest to sanctifyit the holy water.
2. The rabbi explained how to sanctifyit the Sabbath candles.
3. We need to sanctifyit our thoughts and actions in the eyes of God.
4. The Hindu priest performed a special ritual to sanctifyit the temple.
5. The Buddha taught his followers to sanctifyit their hearts and minds.
6. The shaman used sage to sanctifyit the sacred space.
7. The Catholic Church believes in the power of sacraments to sanctifyit the soul.
8. The Qu'ran teaches Muslims how to sanctifyit their daily lives.
9. The pagan priestess used herbs and crystals to sanctifyit her altar.
10. The Taoist master taught his disciples how to sanctifyit their bodies and minds.
11. The Sikh gurdwara has a special ceremony to sanctifyit the holy scripture.
12. The Zoroastrian fire temple uses ritual fire to sanctifyit the sacred space.
13. The indigenous people sanctifyit the land through ceremony and respect.
14. The Jain monk taught his followers how to sanctifyit their actions through ahimsa.
15. The Bahá'í faith teaches believers to sanctifyit the world through unity and peace.
16. The Wiccan high priestess has a ritual to sanctifyit her coven's tools.
17. The Sufi mystic's goal is to sanctifyit their heart and soul through divine love.
18. The Shinto tradition uses purification rituals to sanctifyit the shrine and its worshippers.
19. The Unitarian Universalist principles encourage members to sanctifyit their lives through social justice and ethical living.
20. The Mormon Church believes in the power of baptism to sanctifyit the soul.
21. The Orthodox Jewish tradition sanctifyit marital relations through the laws of taharat hamishpacha.
22. The Christian monastic life is devoted to sanctifyit oneself through prayer and solitude.
23. The Vedic literature explains how to sanctifyit oneself through meditation and self-realization.
24. The Humanist philosophy seeks to sanctifyit human life through reason and compassion.
25. The Zen Buddhist practice seeks to sanctifyit the present moment through mindfulness and awareness.
26. The pagan tradition sanctifyit the connection between humans and nature through reverence and respect.
27. The African diaspora religions sanctifyit the ancestors and their spiritual guidance.
28. The Scientific Pantheism philosophy seeks to sanctifyit the natural world and its wonders.
29. The Native American traditions sanctifyit the connection between humans and all living beings.
30. The Eclectic witchcraft tradition allows individuals to sanctifyit their own spiritual path through personal exploration and practice.

Common Phases

1. Sanctifyit, my spirit is yours to guide;
2. Sanctifyit, cleanse my heart of all pride;
3. Sanctifyit, let my words reflect your light;
4. Sanctifyit, lead me through the darkest night;
5. Sanctifyit, let your love be my shield;
6. Sanctifyit, help me conquer any field;
7. Sanctifyit, make me whole in your eyes;
8. Sanctifyit, may your will be my only prize.

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