Sanctum example sentences

Related (4): sanctuary, chapel, shrine, altar



sanctum (noun) · sanctums (plural noun)

  - a sacred place, especially a shrine within a temple or church:

  - a private place from which most people are excluded. See inner sanctum.


shrine, sanctuary, altar, refuge, retreat, bolthole, foxhole, hideout, hideaway, study, den, Legal

"Sanctum" Example Sentences

1. He retreated into the sanctum of his study.
2. She retreated into the sanctum of her bedroom.
3. His office was his personal sanctum.
4. The scientist's lab functioned as his scientific sanctum.
5. The library served as an intellectual sanctum for him.
6. The monastery provided a spiritual sanctum for the monks.
7. She craved a rural sanctum away from the city.
8. The sanctum of his private chambers were off limits to everyone.
9. The chambers of the cave served as the hermit's sanctum.
10. The cave functioned as her woodland sanctum.
11. He entered the sanctum of the temple.
12. She entered the sanctum of the cave.
13. The boat served as their watery sanctum.
14. He retreated into the sanctum of his boat.
15. The hills functioned as their natural sanctum.
16. He retreated into the sanctum of his self.
17. The beach was their seaside sanctum.
18. The wilderness was her forest sanctum.
19. The forest served as their green sanctum.
20. The castle served as a fortified sanctum.
21. She retreated into the sanctum of her greenhouse.
22. The greenhouse served as her botanical sanctum.
23. The garden served as his natural sanctum.
24. Her attic space became her adolescent sanctum.
25. The attic space served as his childlike sanctum.
26. The writer's study served as his literary sanctum.
27. The musicians' rehearsal room was their musical sanctum.
28. The workshop served as his mechanical sanctum.
29. The garage served as his vehicular sanctum.
30. The restaurant served as her social sanctum.
31. The airport lounge served as his transitional sanctum.
32. The clearing in the woods became their woodland sanctum.
33. They retreated into the sanctum of the treehouse.
34. The treehouse served as the children's playful sanctum.
35. The cabin in the woods became their rustic sanctum.
36. The cabin served as her rustic sanctum.
37. The porch served as her outdoor sanctum.
38. The conservatory functioned as his sunny sanctum.
39. The patio functioned as their outdoor sanctum.
40. The tent served as their nomadic sanctum.
41. The humble abode functioned as their simple sanctum.
42. The sphere of his mind became his mental sanctum.
43. The theater served as her artistic sanctum.
44. The mental asylum served as her surreal sanctum.
45. The church served as their spiritual sanctum.
46. The temple served as his religious sanctum.
47. They retreated into the sanctum of solitude and silence.
48. He retreated into the sanctum of his memories.
49. The old family home served as her nostalgic sanctum.
50. The meditation room functioned as her serene sanctum.
51. The barn served as their rustic sanctum.
52. The hangar served as his mechanical sanctum.
53. The rehearsal hall served as their musical sanctum.
54. The pub served as his social sanctum.
55. The gym served as his athletic sanctum.
56. The bar served as their nightly sanctum.
57. The yoga studio served as her zen sanctum.
58. The spa served as their restorative sanctum.
59 The university campus served as her intellectual sanctum.
60. The clubhouse served as their clubby sanctum.

Common Phases

1. Their inner sanctum
2. The inner sanctum
3. His private sanctum
4. A place of sanctum
5. His secret sanctum
6. Her safe sanctum
7. A holy sanctum
8. An intellectual sanctum
9. A solitary sanctum
10. A sacred sanctum

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