Sanera example sentences

Related (9): cleanse, purify, disinfect, decontaminate, sanitize, sterilize, detoxify, flush, scour

"Sanera" Example Sentences

1. It's important to sanera your hands regularly to maintain good hygiene.
2. The doctor recommended that I sanera the wound with antiseptic.
3. The cleaning crew was called to sanera the entire house after the party.
4. The manager decided to sanera the workplace to ensure safety for all employees.
5. The government has launched a campaign to encourage people to sanera public places.
6. I always make sure to sanera my phone before and after using it.
7. The chef instructed his staff to sanera all the utensils before cooking.
8. The hotel staff were instructed to sanera the room thoroughly before the next guest arrives.
9. The hospital staff have to sanera the equipment and beds after each use.
10. It's recommended to sanera your toothbrush every few weeks to avoid bacteria buildup.
11. The school janitor had to sanera the restroom after a student accidentally spilled a drink.
12. The salon staff have to sanera their tools after each use on a different customer.
13. The airline crew have to sanera the cabin after every flight for everyone’s safety.
14. The mechanic saneraed every part of the car before starting the repair work.
15. The gym staff have to sanera the equipment after each use to maintain cleanliness.
16. The employees were trained to sanera their work stations before and after work hours.
17. The sports team saneraed their equipment after every game to avoid infections.
18. The train station management has installed hand sanera stations for public use.
19. The teacher reminded the students to sanera their hands periodically throughout the school day.
20. The hostel owner hired a professional cleaning service to sanera the entire building.
21. The company has provided hand sanera gel for all employees as a precautionary measure.
22. The restaurant has put up a sign asking customers to sanera their hands before entering.
23. The public library has increased its cleaning staff to ensure it is saneraed regularly.
24. The park authorities have installed hand sanera dispensers at entrances and exits.
25. The event organizer has arranged for hand sanera stands to be set up throughout the venue.
26. The tour guide reminded the visitors to sanera their hands before entering the temple.
27. The shopping mall management has announced plans to install additional hand sanera units.
28. The airline provided hand sanera wipes to all passengers to wipe their seats before sitting.
29. The taxi driver had a hand sanera bottle in the car for his passengers to use.
30. The company has set up a saneraion committee to ensure that hygiene standards are met.
31. The hotel has installed motion-activated hand sanera dispensers throughout the property.
32. The restaurant hired a professional cleaning service to sanera the kitchen every day.
33. The office receptionist has a hand sanera gel on her desk for visitors to use.
34. The theme park staff have to sanera every ride before and after each guest.
35. The grocery store has placed hand sanera dispensers at various locations for customers to use.
36. The ferry company has saneraed the entire boat before the passengers' arrival.
37. The event organizers were instructed to provide hand sanera throughout the venue to avoid any health issues.
38. The hotel staff has to sanera all the linens and towels after each guest departs.
39. The airline crew has to sanera the airplane lavatories every hour.
40. The food processing plant has installed a saneraion system to control the level of hygiene.

Common Phases

1. Vi måste sanera skadedjuren och desinficera ytan;
2. Efter den förödande branden måste vi ingripa och sanera området;
3. Saneringsarbetet innebär att avlägsna alla kemikalier och farliga ämnen;
4. Sanering av oljespill är avgörande för att skydda miljön;
5. För att förebygga spridning av sjukdomar är det viktigt att sanera alla ytor regelbundet.

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