Sapper example sentences

Related (9): explosives, demolition, engineering, military, trenches, mines, reconnaissance, bridges, fortifications

"Sapper" Example Sentences

1. The sapper was responsible for clearing the mines from the battlefield.
2. He trained as a sapper in the army, specializing in demolitions.
3. The sapper detected an explosive device hidden in the road.
4. She admired the bravery of the sapper who risked his life to clear the path for the troops.
5. The sapper used a metal detector to locate the buried bomb.
6. The sapper crawled through the jungle, searching for hidden traps.
7. The sapper defused the bomb just in time, saving countless lives.
8. He was chosen to be a sapper due to his exceptional engineering skills.
9. The sapper used a specialized tool to dismantle the landmine.
10. The sapper was awarded a medal for his heroic actions in the field.
11. She watched in awe as the sappers quickly built a bridge across the river.
12. The sapper carefully marked the location of the explosive device to avoid setting it off accidentally.
13. The sappers worked through the night, constructing fortifications to protect the troops.
14. The sapper used a saw to cut through the barbed wire fence.
15. The sapper's knowledge of explosives was crucial in defeating the enemy.
16. She was proud to become the first female sapper in her battalion.
17. The sapper's team was responsible for clearing the route for the convoy.
18. The sapper showed incredible courage in disarming the bomb with his bare hands.
19. The sapper used his training to improvise a way to cross the minefield safely.
20. The sapper carefully checked each vehicle for hidden explosives before allowing it to pass.
21. The sapper's quick thinking saved his team from certain death.
22. She studied hard to become a sapper, determined to serve her country.
23. The sapper's expertise in engineering allowed him to build a sturdy bridge despite the difficult conditions.
24. The sapper's role is essential in any military operation that involves movement through hazardous terrain.
25. He had a close call when the sapper accidentally triggered an explosive device during a training exercise.
26. The sappers worked tirelessly to remove the debris from the bombed-out building.
27. The sapper's bravery in a dangerous situation was an inspiration to all who served with him.
28. She was thrilled to be assigned to the elite sapper unit.
29. The sapper was always the first one to volunteer for the most dangerous missions.
30. The sapper's attention to detail prevented a tragedy when he discovered a hidden bomb in the crowded market.

Common Phases

1. The sapper began to dig a trench;
2. The sapper analyzed the soil to find the best spot to plant explosive charges;
3. The sapper put on his heavy-duty gear before entering the mines;
4. The sapper defused the bomb with swift precision;
5. The sapper cleared the path for the troops to advance;
6. The sapper mapped the underground tunnels to plan the attack;
7. The sapper signaled for the demolition team to begin;
8. The sapper used his expertise to create a makeshift bridge;
9. The sapper controlled the detonation remotely;
10. The sapper led the way through the minefield.

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