Savagedom example sentences

Related (5): wildness, ferocity, brutality, barbarism, savagery

"Savagedom" Example Sentences

1. The concept of savagedom is often romanticized in popular culture.
2. The hunter-gatherer lifestyle of savagedom has largely disappeared in modern times.
3. Some argue that colonialism was responsible for the destruction of savagedom societies.
4. The natives of the island lived in a state of savage savagedom.
5. The anthropologist studied the social structures of savagedom tribes.
6. Many myths and legends center around the concept of savagedom.
7. The film depicted a group of explorers encountering a tribe in the depths of savagedom.
8. The author wrote extensively about the transition from savagedom to civilization.
9. The conquistadors felt superior to the natives, believing them to be stuck in savagedom.
10. The scientist examined the effects of modernization on savagedom populations.
11. The idea of savagedom as a more pure way of life is a popular subject in literature.
12. The archeologist discovered artifacts from savagedom cultures dating back thousands of years.
13. The concept of savagedom is often used to justify imperialist policies.
14. The sociologist studied the power dynamics within savagedom communities.
15. The missionaries believed that their religion could save the savagedom souls of the natives.
16. The team of adventurers were unprepared for the dangers they faced in savagedom territory.
17. The philosopher debated the value of savagedom versus modern civilization.
18. The historical record is spotty when it comes to documenting the daily lives of savagedom peoples.
19. The natives welcomed the outsiders, hoping to learn more about the outside world beyond their savagedom existence.
20. The artist drew inspiration from the natural surroundings of savagedom lands.
21. The traveler found himself stranded in the heart of savagedom, unsure of how to survive without modern technology.
22. The warrior culture of savagedom societies was often based on inter-tribal conflicts and conquests.
23. The outsiders looked down upon the natives, seeing them as mere examples of savagedom.
24. The novelist depicted the hard, brutal lives of those living in a state of savagedom.
25. The poet celebrated the raw beauty of savagedom lands, untouched by civilization.
26. The colonizers sought to bring savagedom peoples into the fold of Western society.
27. The filmmaker documented the daily rituals and ceremonies of a remote savagedom tribe.
28. The academic sought to understand the spiritual beliefs of savagedom peoples.
29. The ethnographer immersed herself in the culture of a savagedom community, living among them for months at a time.
30. The journalist wrote an exposé on the exploitation of savagedom peoples by multinational corporations.

Common Phases

1. The world of savagedom is a harsh and brutal place;
2. Surviving in savagedom takes more than just physical strength;
3. The rules of savagedom are different from any civilized society;
4. In savagedom, only the most cunning and ruthless can rise to the top;
5. To enter savagedom is to abandon all sense of morality;
6. The lawless nature of savagedom can be both exhilarating and terrifying;
7. Those who underestimate the power of savagedom do so at their own peril;
8. The values of savagedom are not for the faint of heart;
9. To become a true leader in savagedom, one must be willing to make sacrifices;
10. In the world of savagedom, trust is a rare commodity.

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