Scabrous example sentences

Related (4): vulgar, lewd, obscene, coarse

"Scabrous" Example Sentences

1. The old apple tree had scabrous bark.
2. His scabrous humor made people uncomfortable.
3. The scabrous conditions of the camp led to many illnesses.
4. The scabrous writings attacked politicians and celebrities.
5. The child cried at the scabrous sight of his injury.
6. The scabrous surface made it difficult to get a grip.
7. Her scabrous remarks offended many in the audience.
8. The prisoner's skin developed scabrous sores from lack of hygiene.
9. The scabrous edge of the tabletop tore his pants.
10. The scabrous shrub scraped against my skin as I walked by.
11. The scabrous surface was rough and pitted with holes.
12. Her scabrous speech led to her censure by the organization.
13. The scabrous edge of the rock cut my foot as I walked barefoot.
14. His unwashed body developed scabrous sores.
15. The scabrous rhymes shocked listeners with their vulgarity.
16. The wound developed scabrous scabs before it finally healed.
17. The scabrous joke drew gasps from the polite company.
18. The beggar's body bore scabrous sores and open wounds.
19. His scabrous remarks drew angry looks from the crowd.
20. The scabrous ridges made climbing the rock difficult.
21. The scabrous comments disparaged various ethnic groups.
22. The scabrous bark of the oak tree felt rough under my hand.
23. Even his most ardent supporters found his scabrous essays distasteful.
24. Her scabrous jokes were anything but amusing.
25. The scabrous surface made it impossible to get a grip.
26. The prisoner developed scabrous wounds from his shackles.
27. The scabrous edge of the table dug into my skin.
28. The scabrous lyrics shocked listeners with their vulgarity.
29. His scabrous remarks caused outrage in the audience.
30. The injury developed scabrous swelling around the wound.
31. The scabrous topography made traversing the landscape difficult.
32. The scabrous appearance of the wound repulsed onlookers.
33. The critic's scabrous writing cultivated a reputation for cruelty.
34. The scabrous surface made it impossible to grasp the object.
35. His scabrous jokes left many questioning his character.
36. The scabrous edge cut into my flesh as I moved the crate.
37. The scabrous surface scraped against my skin as I stumbled.
38. Her scabrous epithets shocked and offended the polite gathering.
39. The scabrous humor drew criticism from moral guardians.
40. The scabrous remarks caused outrage among the audience.
41. The scabrous edge of the stone cut into my palm.
42. The prisoner's body soon became covered in scabrous sores.
43. The scabrous lyrics shocked listeners with their vulgarity and cruelty.
44. The bark on the fallen log felt scabrous under my hand.
45. His scabrous remarks caused outrage among the listeners.
46. The scratch developed into a scabrous sore on his arm.
47. The scabrous poem drew gasps from the audience for its vulgarity.
48. The scabrous ridges made climbing the rock treacherous.
49. The scabrous surface scraped against my skin as I moved the crate.
50. The scabrous remarks disparaged various groups in the audience.
51. Her scabrous jokes drew criticism for their vulgarity and cruelty.
52. The scabrous surface frustrated my attempts to get a grip.
53. The scabrous edge tore into my flesh as I lifted the heavy box.
54. The scabrous material drew condemnation from moral guardians.
55. The scabrous development frustrated the doctor's attempts at healing.
56. The prisoner's body soon became covered in scabrous wounds.
57. The protruding nail had a scabrous edge that tore my skin.
58. The scabrous surface made it impossible to maintain a grip.
59. The scabrous remarks caused outrage among offended listeners.
60. The injury soon became inflamed, swollen, and scabrous.

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