Scaler example sentences
- noun form of scale
- noun form of scale
scale (noun) · scales (plural noun)
- each of the small, thin horny or bony plates protecting the skin of fish and reptiles, typically overlapping one another.
- a thick, dry flake of skin.
- a rudimentary leaf, feather, or bract.
- each of numerous microscopic structures covering the wings of butterflies and moths.
- a flaky covering or deposit.
- a white deposit formed in a kettle, boiler, etc. by the evaporation of water containing lime:
- tartar formed on teeth.
- a coating of oxide formed on heated metal:
- remove scale or scales from:
- remove tartar from (teeth) by scraping them:
- (especially of the skin) form scales:
- come off in scales or thin pieces; flake off:
scale (noun) · scales (plural noun) · scale of notation (noun) · scales of notation (plural noun)
- a graduated range of values forming a standard system for measuring or grading something:
- the full range of different levels of people or things, from lowest to highest:
- a series of marks at regular intervals in a line used in measuring something:
- a device having a series of marks at regular intervals in a line used in measuring something:
- a rule determining the distances between marks on a scale:
- the relative size or extent of something:
- a ratio of size in a map, model, drawing, or plan:
- an arrangement of the notes in any system of music in ascending or descending order of pitch:
- the exercise of performing the notes of one or more scales as a form of practice by a singer or musician:
- a system of numerical notation in which the value of a digit depends upon its position in the number, successive positions representing successive powers of a fixed base:
- the range of exposures over which a photographic material will give an acceptable variation in density.
- climb up or over (something high and steep):
- represent in proportional dimensions; reduce or increase in size according to a common scale.
- (of a quantity or property) be variable according to a particular scale.
- estimate the amount of timber that will be produced from (a log or uncut tree):