Scaremongers example sentences

Related (5): Fearmongers, alarmists, panic-mongers, rumormongers, sensationalists.

"Scaremongers" Example Sentences

1. Scaremongers were spreading rumors of an impending alien invasion.
2. People who claim vaccines cause autism are nothing but scaremongers.
3. Scaremongers fueled the panic about the Mayan prophecy.
4. The media can be accused of being scaremongers when it comes to reporting on crime.
5. The opposition party's claims about the government's proposed policy are just scaremongering tactics.
6. Some climate change scaremongers believe the world will end in just a few years.
7. Certain news outlets are known for being scaremongers who sensationalize every story.
8. Scaremongers were warning of a mass outbreak of Ebola in the United States.
9. Some conspiracy theorists are scaremongers who prey on people's fears.
10. The anti-Brexit campaign was criticized for scaremongering about the consequences of leaving the EU.
11. Some parents can be labeled as scaremongers when it comes to protecting their kids.
12. Scaremongers were predicting the end of the world when the Large Hadron Collider was first activated.
13. Critics accused the government of scaremongering when they talked about the dangers of a no-deal Brexit.
14. Scaremongers have claimed that 5G technology could cause cancer.
15. The oil industry has been accused of being scaremongers who deny the impact of global warming.
16. Certain religious groups have been accused of scaremongering in order to control their followers.
17. The supermarket tabloids are nothing but scaremongers who spread false stories to sell papers.
18. Scaremongers claim that the use of AI in warfare will lead to the end of humanity.
19. Politicians on both sides of the aisle are guilty of scaremongering to win votes.
20. Scaremongers were warning of a food shortage when the COVID-19 pandemic first started.
21. Some environmentalists are accused of being scaremongers who exaggerate the impact of pollution.
22. The tobacco industry was known for being scaremongers who tried to downplay the dangers of smoking.
23. Scaremongers claim that the transition to renewable energy will cause economic hardship.
24. Certain religious sects are known for being scaremongers who predict the end of the world.
25. The anti-vaccine movement is often accused of scaremongering and spreading misinformation.
26. Scaremongers warn of the dangers of artificial intelligence taking over the world.
27. Certain news anchors are labeled as scaremongers who create hysteria to boost ratings.
28. The beauty industry is accused of scaremongering by promoting unrealistic beauty standards.
29. Scaremongers claim that the rise of automation will lead to massive job loss.
30. Critics of nuclear power are often labeled as scaremongers who exaggerate the risks of accidents.

Common Phases

not let the scaremongers control your decisions; the scaremongers are just trying to instill fear; ignoring the scaremongers is the best way to stay calm; the scaremongers often exaggerate or fabricate information; don't be fooled by the scaremongers' tactics.

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