Scarp example sentences

Related (10): cliff, slope, ridge, bluff, escarpment, precipice, embankment, cuesta, talus, terrace

"Scarp" Example Sentences

1. The mountain dropped off suddenly at the steep scarp.
2. We had to climb down the rocky scarp to reach the river.
3. The scarp towered above us, it's vertical face seemingly impossible to climb.
4. The base of the scarp was covered in boulders and scree.
5. The road was carved into the side of the scarp, with a sharp drop off on one side.
6. The high cliff face of the scarp loomed over us.
7. The car slid off the icy road and crashed into the scarp at the side of the mountain.
8. The edge of the plateau where it dropped down to the valley below formed a distinct scarp.
9. The tracks came to an abrupt end at the edge of the high scarp overlooking the sea.
10. We had to navigate around the rocky scarp to find a way down to the beach.
11. The scarp on the far side of the river had shear vertical cliffs .
12. We decided to stop climbing when we reached the base of the steeply sloping scarp.
13. Large chunks of rock broke off the crumbling scarp and tumbled to the valley floor.
14. The scarp on the east side of the field had eroded over time to form a gentle slope.
15. The vertical face of the newly formed scarp limited access to the valley.
16. The exposed scarp showed the many different layers of rock in the area.
17. Hiking to the top of the scarp gave us a panoramic view.
18. The road hugged the base of the rugged scarp for miles.
19. The name of the canyon referred to the scarps on both sides.
20. The deep crack in the earth along the fault line formed a scarp.
21. We set up camp in the shelter of the wide scarp.
22. The edge of the mesa formed an impressive scarp.
23. Decaying vegetation accumulated at the base of the scarp.
24. We took turns lowering ourselves down the rope tied to the tree at the top of the scarp.
25. Flora grew abundantly in the cracks and crevices of the debris-covered scarp.
26. Grass and weeds sprouted from the crumbling ledges of the ancient scarp.
27. The scarp marked the edge of the ancient flood plain.
28. Rainwater drained in rivulets down the sides of the scarp.
29. The feature that made the view remarkable was the massive scarp.
30. The crumbling scarp eventually eroded into gently sloping hills.
31. The formation of the scarp isolated one part of the plain from the rest.
32. The road passed right alongside the towering scarp.
33. Urban sprawl eventually encroached upon the once prominent scarp.
34. Paragliders launched from the top of the prominent scarp.
35. The landform known as the escarpment is characterized by scarps.
36. Farm fields bordered the base of the scarp on one side.
37. Tree roots exposed by erosion lined sections of the scarp.
38. Weathering and erosion over time soften the features of a scarp.
39. The sheer face of the limestone scarp posed an attractive challenge to climbers.
40. A small waterfall flowed over the edge of the wooded scarp.
41. The scarp face crumbled in places, sending debris cascading to the gulley below.
42. Wildlife has adapted to living in the terrain afforded by scarps.
43. A cave opening was visible halfway up the scarp face.
44. Vultures circled above the prominent scarp.
45. Hikers enjoyed a panoramic view from the rim of the desert scarp.
46. The rugged scarp was a popular destination for climbers and explorers.
47. Trails meandered along the base of the scenic scarp.
48. The massive scarp loomed large on the horizon.
49. The exposed strata of the scarp showed millions of years of erosion .
50. Graffiti marred some stretches of the otherwise scenic scarp.
51. The sight of the rugged scarp after months of flat terrain was an inspiring one.
52. A variety of plants and shrubs thrived even on the bare scarp.
53. The scarp rose high above the surrounding landscape.
54. Orchards and farms filled the valley at the base of the impressive scarp.
55. The abandoned mine shaft had a small opening halfway up the scarp face.
56. Fossils of ancient creatures were occasionally found eroding out of the scarp.
57. Sparse grasses struggled to grow in the dry soil at the base of the barren scarp.
58. Winds whistled through crevices in the ancient scarp.
59. The scarp marked an abrupt transition in the landscape.
60. The contour line on the map indicated a prominent scarp in the terrain.

Common Phases

1. The climber fell down the sheer cliff scarp.
2. The cliff scarp dropped steeply into the ravine below.
3. The road hugged the edge of the escarpment scarp as it wound along the ridge.
4. The edges of the Great Escarpment are marked by steep scarp slopes.
5. The car slid over the edge of the road and tumbled down the embankment scarp.
6. They hiked along the brim of the canyon, looking down at the colorful layers of rock exposed in the canyon scarp.
7. The road runs along the edge of the Colorado Plateau, overlooking the sheer rock scarp that drops into the basin below.
8. They surveyed the damage after the floodwaters had receded, as gullies were carved into the riverbank scarp.
9. The trail switchbacked down the slope, zigzagging across the scarp face of the hillside.
10. The limestone bluff had eroded into a jagged rock scarp overlooking the river valley.
11. The rapid erosion caused by the recent heavy rains further undercut the riverbank scarp, making it unstable.
12. The bare soil of the freshly eroded scarp slope revealed the different layers of sedimentary rock.
13. After the landslide, a steep fracture scarp remained where the hillside had given way.
14. The limestone cliff rose sharply from the river as a tall, vertical scarp.
15. The face of the scarp was unstable and prone to rockslides and collapses.
16. The trail descended the gradual hillside in long switchbacks before coming to the abrupt summit scarp.
17. Looking out at the scarp face of the cliff made her feel tiny and insignificant.
18. They scaled down the rock scarp using ropes and climbing gear.
19. Downcut gullies dissected the valley side slope into a series of angular scarps.
20. The fault line ran along the base of the abrupt sandstone scarp.
21. She slid down the snow-covered scarp slope and skidded to a stop at the base.
22. The incoming tide crashed against the chalk rock scarp.
23. A layer of loose scree accumulated at the base of the steep mountain scarp.
24. The gully formed when water flowed down the slope, cutting into the soft rock and undermining the scarp face.
25. The hillside collapsed after days of heavy rain, leaving behind an unstable debris scarp.
26. The growing gully quickly undercut the riverbank scarp, causing it to collapse.
27. The geological strata were clearly visible in the exposed faces of the escarpment scarps.
28. The relief map showed the locations of the scarps, mesas, plateaus and badlands in the region.
29. The fault line created an abrupt scarp in the formerly level ground.
30. The dry stream bed snaked its way along the base of the high, sandy scarp slope.
31. The view from the edge of the escarpment was breathtaking, overlooking a vast landscape below the sheer scarp face.
32. They carefully climbed down the gravelly talus slope at the base of the mountain scarp.
33. The stratigraphic sequence was difficult to interpret from the fractured and weathered exposures in the escarpment scarp.
34. The fresh cut of the excavated scarp face showed the alternating layers of shale and sandstone bedrock.
35. The debris flowed in a huge mass down the newly formed scarp slope after the hillside gave way.
36. They hiked up the gradual hillside to a promontory overlooking a tall limestone scarp.
37. The crags and buttresses of the mountain scarp loomed over the verdant valley floor.
38. Steep slopes and abrupt scarps characterize the badlands landscape.
39. The attempt to scale the sheer rock scarp nearly ended in tragedy.
40. The fracture scarp stood out as a jagged line across the desert landscape.
41 The recently collapsed scarp face had released a torrent of sediment and debris into the stream channel.
42. The ground fault had caused the formerly level surface to be offset, creating an abrupt linear scarp.
43. The exposed escarpment scarps revealed millions of years of geological history.
44. Snow avalanched down the steep valley side slope, accumulating in a fan at the base of the mountain scarp.
45. The terrain was rugged with many sheer cliffs, escarpment scarps and vertical rock faces.
46. The newly created debris fan at the base of the scarp slope blocked the stream channel.
47. The wide, shallow steps cut into the hillside helped stabilize the naturally steep scarp slope.
48. The fractured scarp face showed evidence of frequent rockfalls and slides.
49. Downcutting of the stream channel undermined the riverbank scarp, making it prone to collapse.
50. The erosion-resistant caprock formed a high cliff edge atop the softer rocks below, creating an escarpment scarp.
51. The vertical scarp face towered over the plain below.
52. They descended carefully down the loose scree slope at the base of the sandstone scarp.
53. Sand and pebbles collected in sheltered alcoves along the base of the wind-scoured sandstone scarp.
54. The gorge was formed as the river cut down into the bedrock, creating sheer rock scarps on either side.
55. The steep, barren scarp slopes showed little evidence of vegetation or soil.
56. The fractured limestone outcrop formed a series of jagged scarps and ridges.
57. The ground shook for several minutes as rocks and debris slid down the freshly created fault scarp.
58. The landscape was dominated by mesas, buttes and abrupt escarpment scarps.
59. They hiked along the gradually sloped base of the towering sandstone scarp.
60. The lateral spread fault created a linear scarp across the alluvial plain.

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