Schemata example sentences

Related (17): plans, strategies, blueprints, models, frameworks, designs, patterns, maps, systems, outlines, formats, templates, structures, diagrams, sketches, concepts, ideas.

"Schemata" Example Sentences

1. The new employee's schemata for customer service was different than what the company had been using before.
2. The teacher explained the concept using a Venn diagram to help the students organize their schemata.
3. The cultural differences between the two countries caused a clash in their schemata for social norms.
4. Jane's schemata for cooking pasta involved adding salt to the water before boiling it.
5. The CEO's schemata for expanding the company involved expanding into international markets.
6. The company's marketing team had to adjust their schemata for the new product launch.
7. The researcher's schemata for the experiment had to be revised after conducting several trials.
8. Sarah had difficulty understanding the new technology because it did not fit into her schemata for how computers work.
9. The team's schemata for the project proposal aligned with the client's expectations.
10. The football coach had to update his schemata for the game plan after reviewing footage of the opposing team.
11. The accountant had to reexamine her schemata for taxes after changes in legislation.
12. The linguist applied her schemata of language acquisition to teach language to children.
13. The architect's schemata for the building exceeded the client's budget.
14. The historian's schemata of the event allowed him to connect historical events with current day issues.
15. The artist's schemata for the painting project involved studying the work of famous artists.
16. The schemata for the math problem involved using trigonometry to solve it.
17. The counselor's schemata for therapy sessions involved active listening and open-ended questions.
18. The scientist developed new schemata for sustainable energy sources.
19. The CEO's schemata for organizational development involved streamlining processes and improving communication.
20. The student's schemata for studying history improved after they wrote a research paper on the topic.
21. The police officer's schemata for the investigation involved reviewing witness statements and examining the crime scene.
22. The doctor's schemata for treating the patient involved reviewing their medical history and conducting a physical exam.
23. The engineer's schemata for the design involved calculating forces and analyzing materials.
24. The athlete adjusted her schemata for the sport after an injury changed her approach to training.
25. The sales representative had to modify her schemata for the sales pitch after discovering the client's needs.
26. The entrepreneur's schemata for success involved taking calculated risks and being innovative.
27. The teacher modified her schemata for the lesson plan after assessing her students' learning needs.
28. The journalist used his schemata of investigative reporting to uncover corruption in the government.
29. The chef's schemata for the new dish involved experimenting with different flavors and cooking techniques.
30. The philosopher questioned his own schemata of morality and ethics through introspection.

Common Phases

1. Building schemata takes time and effort;
2. Our understanding of the world is informed by our schemata;
3. Schemata can help us make sense of new information;
4. Schemata can also lead to cognitive biases and misconceptions;
5. Our schemata can change and evolve over time;
6. Our schemata can be influenced by cultural and societal norms;
7. Schemata can be conscious or unconscious;
8. Schemata help us to predict and anticipate events;
9. Schemata can sometimes be limiting and prevent us from considering alternative perspectives;
10. Schemata can be applied across multiple domains and contexts.

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