Schismatick example sentences

Related (11): heresy, dissension, discord, division, disunity, schism, fragmentation, sectarianism, rift, schismatic, schismatics.

"Schismatick" Example Sentences

1. His schismatick behavior caused a rift in their friendship.
2. He was a schismatick leader, and his followers were fiercely devoted to him.
3. The schismatick group had broken away from the main church.
4. His schismatick views had led to his expulsion from the organization.
5. His schismatick ideas were met with hostility by the other members.
6. His schismatick rhetoric had caused a deep divide in the community.
7. His schismatick beliefs had caused a great deal of controversy.
8. The schismatick faction had declared its independence from the main group.
9. His schismatick tendencies had caused a great deal of conflict.
10. His schismatick views had been condemned by the church.
11. His schismatick opinions had been met with strong opposition.
12. His schismatick opinions had caused a great deal of unrest.
13. The schismatick faction had broken away from the main body.
14. His schismatick beliefs had led to his expulsion from the group.
15. His schismatick behavior had been met with disapproval by the other members.
16. His schismatick views had been widely criticized by the public.
17. The schismatick group had declared its independence from the main body.
18. His schismatick opinions had been met with widespread criticism.
19. His schismatick ideas had been met with strong opposition from the other members.
20. His schismatick rhetoric had caused a deep rift in the community.
21. The schismatick faction had been condemned by the main church.
22. His schismatick beliefs had caused a great deal of unrest in the group.
23. His schismatick ideas had been met with hostility by the other members of the organization.
24. His schismatick views had been widely condemned by the public.
25. His schismatick behavior had caused a great deal of conflict in the group.
26. His schismatick opinions had been met with strong disapproval by the other members.
27. The schismatick group had broken away from the main body of the church.
28. His schismatick views had caused a deep divide between the two sides.
29. His schismatick beliefs had led to his expulsion from the organization.
30. His schismatick tendencies had been met with widespread criticism.
31. The schismatick faction had declared its independence from the main church.
32. His schismatick rhetoric had caused a great deal of controversy in the community.
33. His schismatick behavior had been met with disapproval by the other members of the group.
34. His schismatick ideas had been widely criticized by the public.
35. His schismatick opinions had caused a deep rift between the two sides.
36. The schismatick group had been condemned by the main body of the church.
37. His schismatick beliefs had led to his expulsion from the main organization.
38. His schismatick views had been met with strong opposition from the other members of the group.
39. His schismatick tendencies had caused a great deal of unrest in the community.
40. The schismatick faction had broken away from the main body of the organization.

Common Phases

Schismatic; Sectarian; Divisive; Discordant; Fractious; Disunited; Disparate; Controversial; Dissenting.

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