Scuffled example sentences

Related (10): scrambled, tussled, wrestled, fought, clashed, skirmished, battled, struggled, grappled, scurried

"Scuffled" Example Sentences

1. The two boys scuffled on the ground, wrestling and punching each other.
2. As the dog came near, the cats scuffled as they prepared to fight over the food.
3. The wrestlers scuffled on the mat, grappling for position and leverage.
4. The siblings scuffled over the last piece of candy, pushing and shoving each other.
5. The students scuffled in the hallway as they crowded through the door to their next class.
6. The fans scuffled at the stadium entrance, eager to get good seats for the game.
7. The thieves scuffled with the security guard as they were trying to escape.
8. The boxers scuffled in the ring, clinching and exchanging blows.
9. The officers scuffled with the suspect as they tried to subdue and handcuff him.
10. The children scuffled in the back seat of the car, fighting over toys and space.
11. The friends scuffled good-naturedly as they joked and wrestled.
12. The soldiers scuffled briefly in the trenches before opening fire on each other.
13. The protesters scuffled with the police as they were hauled away in handcuffs.
14. The bulls scuffled in the pen as they fought for dominance over the herd.
15. The toddlers in the playpen scuffled in their cribs as their naps ended.
16. The football players scuffled after the whistle blew, getting into a pushing match.
17. The chickens scuffled in the chicken coop, pecking and squawking at each other.
18. The audience members scuffled as they jostled for position to get a better view of the stage.
19. The comrades-in-arms scuffled and laughed as they reunited after many years apart.
20. The puppies scuffled with each other as they played roughly.
21. She scuffled her feet against the floor as she waited nervously for her turn.
22. The rug rats scuffled in the living room, knocking over furniture as they roughhoused.
23. The inmates scuffled in the yard as the guards struggled to restore order.
24. The rivals scuffled in disagreement over the rules of the game.
25. The feral cats scuffled over the last scrap of food in the alley.
26. The team scuffled together in a huddle before taking the field for the game.
27. The kindergartners scuffled in line as they waited impatiently for recess.
28. The bar patrons scuffled as they were ejected from the establishment.
29. The teenagers scuffled briefly before parting ways.
30. When they meet the two dogs always scuffled for several minutes.
31. The young lambs scuffled as they played out in the field.
32. Competition was fierce and the teams regularly scuffled on the court.
33. The comrades-at-arms scuffled fondly as they reunited after many years apart.
34. The children scuffled in the back seat of the car, fighting over toys and space.
35. Scuffles broke out in the crowded concert venue as fans jockeyed for a better view of the stage.
36. As youths the brothers regularly scuffled and wrestled, emulating the things they saw on television.
37. The soldiers happily scuffled among themselves as they greeted old friends on the parade grounds.
38. The two roosters continuously scuffled in the chicken coop, battling for dominance over the hens.
39. The bulls in the pen scuffled, testing each other's strengths and asserting their places in the pecking order.
40. The animals in the petting zoo constantly scuffled and squabbled with each other as they competed for food and space.
41. The boys on the playground eagerly scuffled and wrestled as part of their daily recesses.
42. The group playfully scuffled as they greeted each other after a long time apart.
43. The primates in the cage regularly scuffled with each other, establishing and reaffirming their social hierarchy.
44. Players enthusiastically scuffled after each goal was scored on the pitch.
45. Children often scuffled on the school bus, fighting over seats and toys.
46. As young goats the two kids often scuffled with each other in high-spirited play.
47. The dogs in the kennel frequently scuffled with each other, particularly over bones and chew toys.
48. The team eagerly scuffled in the locker room before heading out onto the field for the big game.
49. The young boys frequently scuffled on the playground, settling disagreements with wrestling and scrapping.
50. Pirates actively scuffled on the main deck during boarding actions and naval engagements.
51. The siblings often scuffled over the remote control and game consoles while their parents were out.
52. Fans regularly scuffled in the stands at hockey games, fired up from heated rivalries and intense matches.
53. Wildcats living together in the same territory often scuffled with each other over resources and mates.
54. Workers frequently scuffled in the factory lunchroom, getting into arguments over cards, food and personal space.
55. Young sparrows often scuffled in their nest, fighting over worms and insects brought back by their parents.
56. Crowds regularly scuffled at music festivals as drugs, alcohol and fatigue took their tolls on tempers.
57. Competitors eagerly scuffled at the starting line, jockeying for advantageous positions at the gun.
58. Customers often scuffled in busy stores during the holiday season, bickering over popular items and long lines.
59. The teams enthusiastically scuffled after the game concluded, congratulating each other on a hard-fought match.
60. Participants excitedly scuffled as they greeted old friends and rivals at the beginning of the competition.

Common Phases

1. Scuffle along/ahead - Move or progress with difficulty and little progress.
2. Scuffle one's feet - Drag one's feet, indicating uncertainty, shyness or lack of enthusiasm.
3. Scuffle broke out - A brief, confused fight or struggle erupted.
4. Scuffle ensued - An impromptu fight, struggle or quarrel took place.
5. Scuffled away - Removed or retreated hurriedly with scrambling movements.
6. Scuffle emerged - A brief, confused fight or struggle developed.
7. Scuffled off - Left hastily or stealthily with scrambling movements.
8. Scuffles ensued - Brief, confused fights or struggles took place.
9. Scuffled nervously - Moved restlessly and uncertainly with jerky movements.
10. Scuffle randomly - Move with purposeless, aimless actions.
11. Scuffled together - Collected, gathered or assembled hastily or roughly.
12. Scuffle erupted - A brief, confused fight or struggle suddenly began.
13. Scuffled about - Moved hastily here and there in an aimless manner.
14. Scuffled breaking out - Brief, confused fights or struggles beginning to happen.
15. Scuffle resulted - A brief, confused fight or struggle occurred as a consequence.

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