Sectarianmodif example sentences

Related (10): denomination, faith-based, divisive, dogmatic, religious-based, schismatic, non-ecumenical, bigotry, factional, exclusivist

"Sectarianmodif" Example Sentences

1. The sectarian modifications to the mosque were met with mixed reactions from the community.
2. The sectarian modifications to the school caused controversy among parents.
3. The sectarian modifications to the holy site were deeply offensive to many worshippers.
4. The sectarian modifications to the stadium were criticized for excluding certain fan groups.
5. The sectarian modifications to the neighborhood's zoning laws were aimed at keeping out certain religious groups.
6. The sectarian modifications to the workplace policies were contested by employees.
7. The sectarian modifications to the city's public spaces were meant to cater to a specific demographic.
8. The sectarian modifications to the healthcare system were implemented to favor a certain religion.
9. The sectarian modifications to the social welfare programs were asserted to be necessary to protect community values.
10. The sectarian modifications to the legal system were heavily influenced by religious beliefs.
11. The sectarian modifications to the immigration policies were criticized for discrimination.
12. The sectarian modifications to the media regulations were deemed oppressive by many journalists.
13. The sectarian modifications to the political platform were designed to appeal to a particular religious group.
14. The sectarian modifications to the restaurant's menu were intended to accommodate a certain dietary restriction.
15. The sectarian modifications to the fashion industry were seen as restrictive by some.
16. The sectarian modifications to the music industry were heavily influenced by religious doctrine.
17. The sectarian modifications to the art scene were criticized for being exclusionary.
18. The sectarian modifications to the science curriculum were controversial among educators.
19. The sectarian modifications to the energy policies were aimed at promoting a certain type of energy production.
20. The sectarian modifications to the environmental laws were contested by climate activists.
21. The sectarian modifications to the human rights legislation were seen as regressive by civil rights advocates.
22. The sectarian modifications to the military policies were deemed discriminatory by certain groups.
23. The sectarian modifications to the technology industry were criticized for perpetuating harmful stereotypes.
24. The sectarian modifications to the transportation system were aimed at catering to a specific lifestyle.
25. The sectarian modifications to the economy were devised to benefit a particular religious sect.
26. The sectarian modifications to the education system were heavily influenced by religious teachings.
27. The sectarian modifications to the tourism industry were designed to cater to a particular type of traveler.
28. The sectarian modifications to the legal system were deemed unconstitutional by some.
29. The sectarian modifications to the electoral process were criticized for being unfair and discriminatory.
30. The sectarian modifications to the healthcare system were met with controversy and opposition.

Common Phases

1. The sectarian modification of religious beliefs;
2. The sectarian modification of political ideology;
3. The sectarian modification of cultural practices;
4. The sectarian modification of social norms;
5. The sectarian modification of educational curricula;
6. The sectarian modification of historical narratives;
7. The sectarian modification of legal frameworks;
8. The sectarian modification of economic systems;
9. The sectarian modification of scientific theories;
10. The sectarian modification of artistic expression.

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