Sederunts example sentences

Related (5): Sederunts, meetings, assemblies, gatherings, discussions.

"Sederunts" Example Sentences

1. During their sederunts, the board members discussed important financial matters.
2. The monthly sederunt was canceled due to inclement weather.
3. The sederunts of the council are open to the public.
4. The sederunts of the committee lasted for hours.
5. After a long sederunt, the group finally reached a decision.
6. A quorum was present at the sederunt, allowing for official business to be conducted.
7. The sederunt was held via video conference due to COVID-19 restrictions.
8. The sederunt was interrupted by a fire alarm, causing everyone to evacuate the building.
9. The sederunts of the church board always started with a prayer.
10. The sederunts of the city council often become heated debates.
11. The sederunts of the committee always followed a strict agenda.
12. The sederunts of the board were often accompanied by catered lunches.
13. The sederunts of the council were broadcast live on local television.
14. The sederunt was postponed due to a scheduling conflict.
15. The sederunts of the committee needed to be recorded for legal purposes.
16. The sederunt started with a roll call to ensure all members were present.
17. The sederunt for the budget committee is scheduled for next week.
18. The lengthy sederunts of the board often required breaks for refreshments.
19. The sederunts of the council were known for their strict adherence to parliamentary procedure.
20. The sederunts of the committee were notorious for running late into the night.
21. The sederunt was adjourned due to an overwhelming majority vote.
22. The sederunts of the board were typically held in the evening after work hours.
23. The sederunts of the council had a strict time limit of three hours.
24. The sederunt was canceled last minute due to a power outage.
25. The sederunts of the committee were always conducted with a set of rules.
26. The sederunts of the board required a certain number of attendees to be present in order to conduct official business.
27. The sederunts of the council were closed to the media during sensitive discussions.
28. The sederunts of the committee needed a clear consensus in order to pass resolutions.
29. The sederunt was held in the historic town hall building.
30. The sederunts of the board were held on a biweekly basis.

Common Phases

1. The sederunts were long and tedious; everyone was growing restless.
2. We had scheduled several sederunts for the day; however, we managed to finish them all early.
3. Due to the importance of the issue at hand, the sederunt lasted well into the evening; we wanted to make sure everything was thoroughly discussed.
4. The sederunt was filled with heated debates and disagreements; but in the end, a decision was finally reached.
5. The sederunt began promptly at 9 am; it was clear that everyone was eager to get started.

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