Seigneurfrench example sentences

Related (9): Noble, Lord, Baron, Feudal, Feudalism, Manor, Estate, Fief, Heraldry

"Seigneurfrench" Example Sentences

1. The seigneurial system in medieval France was characterized by the power of the seigneurs over their tenants.
2. The seigneurial manor was surrounded by fields worked by the seigneur's vassals.
3. The seigneurs of medieval France were able to accumulate great wealth through the exploitation of their tenants.
4. The seigneurs were able to exercise a great deal of control over the lives of their tenants, including their religious practices.
5. The seigneurial system was abolished during the French Revolution, as part of the broader process of social and political reform.
6. The seigneurs of medieval France were often involved in warfare, either as commanders of armies or as mercenaries.
7. The seigneurs of medieval France were typically members of the nobility, with a high degree of social prestige and power.
8. The seigneurs of medieval France often built castles or other fortified structures to protect their holdings.
9. The seigneurs of medieval France were responsible for providing military service to their lords, in exchange for the right to collect taxes from their tenants.
10. The seigneurs of medieval France were often able to negotiate favorable terms with their overlords, due to their wealth and power.
11. In the seigneurial system, the seigneurs were responsible for maintaining law and order within their territories.
12. The seigneurial system was marked by a hierarchical social structure, with the seigneurs at the top and the peasants at the bottom.
13. The seigneurs of medieval France were often involved in courtly love, which was a popular cultural practice at the time.
14. The seigneurs of medieval France were sometimes called upon to serve as judges in disputes between their tenants.
15. The seigneurial system was characterized by a complex web of reciprocal obligations and duties between lords and vassals.
16. The seigneurs of medieval France were often patrons of the arts, supporting artists, writers, and musicians.
17. The seigneurs of medieval France often held frequent banquets and other social events to celebrate their power and prestige.
18. The seigneurs of medieval France were often involved in feuds and conflicts with other noble families.
19. The seigneurs of medieval France played an important role in the development of chivalry and the knightly code of conduct.
20. The power of the seigneurs declined over time, as centralization and modernization in France led to the erosion of feudal structures.
21. The seigneurial system was a key aspect of medieval French society, providing a framework for political, social, and economic life.
22. The seigneurs of medieval France were often involved in diplomatic negotiations and alliances with other noble houses.
23. The seigneurial manors of medieval France were often quite large, with extensive gardens, orchards, and agricultural land.
24. The seigneurs of medieval France often employed minstrels and other entertainers to provide music and amusement at their gatherings.
25. The seigneurs of medieval France were often deeply religious, supporting churches and monasteries with generous donations of money and property.
26. The seigneurial system was based on the idea of reciprocal obligations and duties between lords and vassals, with both sides benefiting from the relationship.
27. The seigneurs of medieval France often held considerable political power, either through their alliances with other noble families or through their own diplomatic skills and resources.
28. The seigneurs of medieval France employed a variety of military tactics and strategies to expand and defend their territories.
29. The seigneurs of medieval France were often involved in the Crusades, either as fighters or as supporters of the cause.
30. The seigneurial system was a complex web of relationships and obligations, reflecting the highly stratified and hierarchical nature of medieval French society.

Common Phases

Bonjour seigneurfrench; Comment allez-vous seigneurfrench?; Merci seigneurfrench; Excusez-moi seigneurfrench; Au revoir seigneurfrench; À bientôt seigneurfrench; De rien seigneurfrench; Qu'est-ce que c'est seigneurfrench?; J'ai besoin d'aide seigneurfrench; Je suis désolé seigneurfrench.

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