Servomechanisms example sentences

Related (4): automation, robotics, actuators, sensors

"Servomechanisms" Example Sentences

1. Servomechanisms have greatly improved the precision of modern machinery.
2. The control system for the robot relies on advanced servomechanisms.
3. The airplane's autopilot uses highly sensitive servomechanisms to adjust its flight path.
4. The factory's production line is fully automated, with servomechanisms controlling every step.
5. The satellite's orientation is maintained by a network of servomechanisms working together.
6. Without accurate servomechanisms, modern cars would not be able to navigate safely.
7. NASA uses incredibly advanced servomechanisms to control the movement of its spacecraft.
8. Most industrial robots rely on sophisticated servomechanisms to perform complex tasks.
9. The manufacturing process involves the use of multiple servomechanisms to achieve precise results.
10. Servomechanisms play a crucial role in the operation of sophisticated medical equipment.
11. The nuclear power plant uses hundreds of servomechanisms to regulate its operation.
12. NASA's Mars rover is equipped with highly advanced servomechanisms to maneuver through difficult terrain.
13. The injection molding machine is controlled by intricate servomechanisms to ensure consistent quality.
14. The drone is equipped with precise servomechanisms to make its movements agile and responsive.
15. The high-speed train relies on sophisticated servomechanisms to maintain its stability during motion.
16. The fighter jet's flight control system uses advanced servomechanisms to achieve unparalleled agility.
17. Industrial robots equipped with servomechanisms can perform intricate tasks with extreme precision.
18. The military uses highly specialized servomechanisms to control unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
19. The underwater drone is controlled by complex servomechanisms to navigate through challenging environments.
20. Servomechanisms are widely used in the oil and gas industry to regulate the flow of materials.
21. The precision lathe relies on precise servomechanisms to achieve accurate cuts.
22. The robotic arm in the factory is equipped with advanced servomechanisms to handle delicate objects.
23. The medical imaging system uses servomechanisms to adjust the position of the scanning equipment.
24. The military's missile guidance systems use highly sophisticated servomechanisms for accurate targeting.
25. The automated guided vehicle relies on advanced servomechanisms to navigate through busy environments.
26. The CNC machine is controlled by a network of servomechanisms to achieve consistent results.
27. The space shuttle's robotic arm is equipped with advanced servomechanisms to handle payloads in space.
28. Servomechanisms play a vital role in the operation of sophisticated machinery in the automotive industry.
29. The precision milling machine relies on accurate servomechanisms to achieve precise results.
30. The industrial 3D printer is controlled by sophisticated servomechanisms to produce complex objects.

Common Phases

1. Servomechanisms are widely used in the control of automated processes;
2. The primary function of servomechanisms is to control the position, velocity, or acceleration of a mechanical system;
3. The key component of a servomechanism is a feedback loop that compares the system's output with the desired input;
4. Servomechanisms are used in various applications such as robotics, manufacturing systems, and aerospace engineering;
5. The accuracy and speed of servomechanisms are critical factors in ensuring the reliability and efficiency of automated systems;
6. Servomechanisms can be designed using different types of sensors, actuators, and control algorithms depending on the specific application requirements;
7. Servomechanisms are essential components in closed-loop control systems that are used for complex industrial processes;
8. The maintenance and calibration of servomechanisms are critical to ensure their proper functioning and performance.

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