Sfumatos example sentences

Related (10): blurred, hazy, shadowy, indistinct, soft, misty, vague, elusive, subtle, undefined

"Sfumatos" Example Sentences

1. The artist used sfumatos to create subtle transitions between the colors.
2. Sfumatos allowed the painter to depict the play of light and shadow on the subject's face.
3. The Renaissance masters were known for their expert use of sfumatos.
4. The landscape was full of soft sfumatos that conveyed a sense of tranquility.
5. The painting's sfumatos gave it a timeless, ethereal quality.
6. The artist achieved a sense of depth and perspective with her sfumatos.
7. The painting was striking for its bold use of contrasting colors and gentle sfumatos.
8. The portrait was so realistic, thanks in part to the artist's skillful application of sfumatos.
9. The painting's dreamlike quality was enhanced by the subtle sfumatos in the background.
10. The sfumatos in this piece rely heavily on the play of light and shadow.
11. The painting's sfumatos showed off the artist's immense skill and mastery of the technique.
12. The use of sfumatos was a hallmark of the artist's mature style.
13. The sfumatos in this painting imbue it with a sense of mystery and intrigue.
14. This artist's sfumatos are so precise, they almost look like they were created by nature.
15. The painting's sfumatos evoked a sense of nostalgia and longing.
16. The artist used sfumatos to create a soft halo of light around the subject's head.
17. The subtle sfumatos in this painting convey a sense of emotion without words.
18. The painting's use of sfumatos was ahead of its time and influenced countless artists who came after.
19. The sfumatos give this painting a sense of serenity and calm.
20. The painting's sfumatos emphasized the folds and contours of the drapery.
21. The use of sfumatos in this landscape painting made the trees and hills appear more organic and natural.
22. The artist's sfumatos were so precise, they could only be achieved through years of dedicated practice.
23. This painting's sfumatos evoke a sense of nostalgia for a bygone era.
24. The artist's sophisticated use of sfumatos give his work a sense of three-dimensionality.
25. The sfumatos in this painting are so subtle, they are barely noticeable at first glance.
26. The use of sfumatos was a hallmark of the artist's mature period.
27. The painting's sfumatos convey a sense of melancholy and introspection.
28. The artist used sfumatos to great effect in creating a sense of atmosphere and mood in the painting.
29. The sfumatos in this work are reminiscent of the work of the great Italian masters.
30. The subtle sfumatos in this painting create a sense of depth and texture that draw the viewer in.

Common Phases

1. Her artwork was full of delicate sfumatos; it was as if the colors blended together seamlessly.
2. The painting had a mysterious quality to it due to the use of sfumatos; the edges of the objects were blurred, adding to its intrigue.
3. The artist employed sfumatos in her portrait of the woman, making her skin appear soft and ethereal.
4. The landscape was breathtaking with its use of sfumatos; the distant mountains appeared to be shrouded in mist.
5. The Renaissance painters were known for their use of sfumatos; it allowed them to create depth and texture in their works.
6. The portrait of the man had a somber mood to it, achieved through the use of sfumatos; the shadows on his face conveyed a sense of melancholy.
7. The artist used sfumatos to create a sense of movement in her painting of the waves; it was as if they were crashing against the shore in slow motion.
8. The painting had a dream-like quality to it due to the use of sfumatos; the colors bled into each other, creating a hazy atmosphere.

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