Shanghaiing example sentences

Related (11): abducting, kidnapping, impressment, press-ganging, hijacking, snatching, seizing, commandeering, plucking, decoying, capturing

"Shanghaiing" Example Sentences

1. The practice of shanghaiing sailors was common in the 19th century.
2. Some sailors were shanghaied and forced to work on ships against their will.
3. The shanghaiing of sailors was done by unscrupulous captains who needed crew members.
4. Shanghaied sailors were often taken to far-off places and left with no way to return home.
5. There were many stories of shanghaiing in the ports of Shanghai and Hong Kong.
6. The shanghaiing of sailors was a dangerous and illegal practice.
7. Sailors who were shanghaied often endured harsh conditions and mistreatment on board ships.
8. The shanghaiing of sailors was a lucrative business for some unscrupulous ship captains.
9. Sailors would try to avoid being shanghaied by staying away from bars and taverns near docks.
10. Even though shanghaiing was illegal, it was difficult for sailors to fight against it.
11. The term "shanghaiing" comes from the practice of kidnapping sailors in the port of Shanghai.
12. Shanghaied sailors often faced long voyages and treacherous seas.
13. Some sailors were able to escape from ships after being shanghaied.
14. The shanghaiing of sailors was especially prevalent during times of war and conflict.
15. Many sailors were afraid of being shanghaied and would carry weapons for protection.
16. Shanghaied sailors were often sold into slavery or indentured servitude.
17. The shanghaiing of sailors was a destructive practice that harmed many people.
18. Laws were eventually put in place to prevent the shanghaiing of sailors.
19. Some sailors volunteered to be shanghaied in order to escape persecution or poverty.
20. The shanghaiing of sailors was a common theme in the literature of the time.
21. The shanghaiing of sailors was a brutal and unethical practice that caused a lot of suffering.
22. Some sailors were able to avoid being shanghaied by hiding on board their ships.
23. Shanghaied sailors often had to endure terrible living conditions and meager food supplies.
24. The shanghaiing of sailors was a longstanding tradition that dated back centuries.
25. The shanghaiing of sailors was a violent and traumatic experience that left lasting scars.
26. Sailors who were shanghaied often suffered from physical and mental health issues.
27. Some sailors who were shanghaied were able to start new lives in foreign lands.
28. The shanghaiing of sailors was a result of the high demand for experienced crew members.
29. The shanghaiing of sailors was a cruel and inhumane practice that violated basic human rights.
30. Some sailors were able to evade shanghaiing by joining reputable shipping companies.

Common Phases

1. "He was shanghaied into working on the ship for six months;"
2. "The crew was shanghaied and forced to work on a different ship;"
3. "The captain was accused of shanghaiing young men to fill his crew;"
4. "The practice of shanghaiing was common in the 19th century;"
5. "Many sailors fell victim to shanghaiing and were taken to sea against their will;"
6. "The shanghaiing of sailors was often done by unscrupulous ship captains."

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