Sheeple example sentences

Related (7): brainwashed, followers, obedient, conformists, uncritical, passive, naive.

"Sheeple" Example Sentences

1. The conspiracy theorist mocked the sheeple who believed the government propaganda.
2. He rolled his eyes at the sheeple who blindly followed the mainstream media.
3. The protesters accused the sheeple of being brainwashed by the establishment.
4. The self-proclaimed revolutionary used "sheeple" to insult those who didn't share his views.
5. The blogger criticized the sheeple for not questioning authority.
6. The cult leader convinced his followers that they were not sheeple like the rest of society.
7. The activist accused the sheeple of being complicit in their own oppression.
8. The commentator dismissed the sheeple's opinions as uninformed and unoriginal.
9. The philosopher argued that sheeple were the result of a culture that valued conformity over individuality.
10. The comedian poked fun at the sheeple for their lack of critical thinking skills.
11. The author included the term "sheeple" in his book to describe the masses who blindly follow leaders.
12. The politician used the term "sheeple" to rally support among those who felt marginalized by society.
13. The celebrity insulted her critics by calling them "sheeple" who couldn't think for themselves.
14. The salesman used the term "sheeple" to appeal to customers who wanted to be seen as unique.
15. The journalist wrote an article about the dangers of sheeple mentality in politics.
16. The teacher discussed the concept of sheeple with her students to encourage critical thinking.
17. The artist created a painting that depicted the masses as sheeple following a shepherd.
18. The entrepreneur marketed his product to those who wanted to break free from sheeple mentality.
19. The meme featured a picture of sheep with the caption "sheeple" to mock conformity.
20. The conspiracy theorist used the term "sheeple" as a badge of honor for those who questioned authority.
21. The philosopher argued that even those who believed they were not sheeple were often influenced by groupthink.
22. The activist used the term "sheeple" to challenge people to think for themselves rather than accepting the status quo.
23. The critic dismissed the artist's work as appealing only to sheeple who didn't appreciate true creativity.
24. The musician wrote a song about the dangers of sheeple mentality in modern society.
25. The politician accused her opponents of being sheeple who were afraid to challenge the establishment.
26. The scientist conducted a study on the psychology of sheeple mentality in social groups.
27. The writer created a dystopian story in which sheeple were the norm and individuality was suppressed.
28. The podcaster interviewed experts on the topic of sheeple mentality to explore its origins and effects.
29. The influencer used "sheeple" as a hashtag to connect with followers who shared his views.
30. The blogger criticized the rise of sheeple mentality in online communities.

Common Phases

1. "Those sheeple just follow the crowd without thinking for themselves;"
2. "I refuse to be a part of the sheeple mentality;"
3. "It's amazing how easily the sheeple are influenced by the media;"
4. "The sheeple blindly accept what they are told without questioning it;"
5. "I can't believe how many sheeple there are in this world."

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